twenty one - now on blu-ray

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* You get this chapter early because I'm wayyy too tired to stay up until midnight to post like normal lol. 

I'm so mean with the cliff hangers. Haha sorry not sorry. 😉I hope that you guys are enjoying the twists. As always I love seeing all your comments and predictions. Without fail, they always makes my day a little brighter. 

For OG readers thanks for sticking with me through these drafts! For those of you who read version one at chapter 20 last time we only knew Nicks identity, nothing else had happened. 😳 We really fixed the pacing this time. 

This is my favorite chapter I've written so far and I hope you all like it just as much! I always skip authors notes so if you read all this I'm so proud.

Without further ado I give you the chapter! * 

- Rya -

I bite the end of my pencil, kicking my feet up the desk where Treys scribbling away at his calc assignment. It's been two hours of nonstop homework and I'm starting to go crazy.

Apparently between all of his Super duties Treys hasn't found time to work on his homework. Now he's two weeks behind and since I can't go anywhere without a League member I get the exciting task of sitting and doing nothing on a Friday night. 

Trey glares at me and pulls his paper out from under my heels, "Can you let me focus?"

"It's so boring though" I complain, leaning back in the chair. I can tell he's still mad at me, but it's tampered by his good nature. He can't choose between being mad at me for the lie about my powers or staying by my side for every waking moment. It seems like he's compromised and done both. 

My eyes skim around my room for the hundredth time in an hour. Still nothing to do. I glance down and a swatch of grey fabric hanging out of Treys backpack catches my eye. I snag it, holding the glittering mask up in front of the window and examining the faint blue lines that criss cross the sliver.

Trey heaves an exaggerated sigh, shoving my feet off the desk. I drop the mask down into my lap, still watching it sparkle, "Do you ever think about your name?"

Pulling his eyes up to me he drawls, "Trey?"

"No." I roll my eyes and kick my feet back up onto the desk, "Cerulean Ray."

He gives me an even more aggravated look but I continue, "This is the name that the world knows you as, that's supposed to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies. But Cerulean is blue." Trey looks at me blankly and I twirl the pencil in my fingers as I continue, "So basically your Superhero name is blu-ray."

Trey looks up at the ceiling, shaking his head and sighing, "Have you always been this irritating?"

"Maybe that's my superpower," I smirk, "Superhuman irritation."

He looks at me out of the corner of his eye, "You definitely don't need a superpower for that."

Indignantly, I try to kick his textbook from the table, barely keeping myself from toppling over in the process. Trey snickers, grabbing for his bag. His brow furrows as he glances inside, "Damn, I forgot my gov book."

"How much homework do you have again?" I quirk an eyebrow.

"Shut up," He mutters, slinging his backpack over his shoulder, "I've gotta go get it. Will you be okay for five minutes or am I going to have to get you another babysitter?"

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