twenty five - the truth... finally

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*Hey hey everyone, welcome back! We'll get right to it and save the a/n for the end!* 

- Rya -

My house is silent as we tread up the stairs. Though I can't see the super before me, his hand grips mine as we ascend. It would have been too difficult with my red rimmed eyes to sneak past my parents, who were glued to the TV downstairs as news coverage of Shadow flickers over the screen. Instead, Ghost is using his powers to hide us as the real Shadow creeps back up to her room.

I miss another step, almost toppling down the stairs. My whole body is jumping inches from where it should be as the phasing scatters my molecules. It's disorienting.

I clench my eyes shut as we walk straight through the door to my room. Ghost - Nick - releases my hand and I can feel my body coalesce back into the visible plane. A shiver goes through me and I rap and arm around my stomach.

Pressing my back against the door I slide to the ground, resting my head in my hands. I knew the world I built up around me was fragile, that it could come toppling down at a moment's notice. I just wasn't prepared for it to happen this fast. Even though I swore I would tell him everything, I'm not sure I can handle it. I barely made it through our conversation in the backyard without breaking. 

My breaths come quicker now. It's like the air is pressing in around me. I can see darkness at the edges of my vision, forcing me to squeeze my eyes shut.

Even that doesn't help.

The pulses of panic continue to crush my chest, sucking all the air from my lungs. I'm going to go to jail. Now that Ghost knows I'm going to go to jail.

Putting my head between my knees, I try and slow my breathing. The dark still pushes in on me, images of the League and prison and that night forming on the backs of my eyelids in quick succession.

I can feel my heart pounding against the inside of my chest threatening to choke me with my own terror. My nails bite into my arms as I grip them tight.

I can't do this. I just can't.

"Ry." Nick's voice drifts into my thoughts. He rests a hand on my arm, warm through the coarse fabric. I peel my head up, heart still hammering against my chest. I'm sure my terror is splashed across my face but I don't have the energy to reel it in, to hide it from him. 

He knows the truth now - or part of it. He knows I have every reason to be terrified.

He's kneeled down next to me, his dark eyes searching mine. It's so strange to see the face that's been hiding behind the mask for so long, especially with the concern drawn across it.

I swallow hard, looking back down at my hands. Nick's voice is soft but firm as he says, "I need you to tell me what happened four years ago. I need you to tell me about Shadow."

"I can't." My voice is barely a whisper. Putting my hands back over my eyes, I start to descend into the backness. Nick pulls my hands away softly.

He waits, my eyes still fixed on the ground. We sit in silence until finally I look back up at him. My breaths are still shaky, the barely contained anxiety coursing through my veins.

Nick's voice is soft but commanding as he says, "Rya, I can't help unless you tell me what happened."

My eyes dip down to the Supers uniform. In the dim light of my room gold glints from Ghosts badge. A subtle reminder that no matter how trustworthy he seems, he's technically my enemy. I should be in jail now that he knows about Shadow.

"I can't relive it Nick, it's so bad." The shaking in my voice is obvious. My eyes burn as I try to blink away the tears. I've been blocking out this truth for so long. Take away that wall and I'll break. "People got hurt because of me. I screwed up, I hurt them."

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