thirty - an amazing disappearing act

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*To make up for the late post last week I'm posing early this week. I really love this scene. I've had a version of it written since I started Masks and now, with a few alterations of course, it's out! I can't wait to see what you think.*


I thought we were dead. I honestly thought we were dead right then. I can't protect us from a fire. Still I should have tried, but with all the chaos I froze. Turns out I didn't have to, Ryas reflexes are impeccable. But now, with adrenaline still rushing through my veins, I watch as she disappears right in front of my eyes.

Whipping around, I stare off into the trees around us, hoping Rya hasn't gone that far. The look on her face a split second ago was pure terror. My racing pulse punctuates each second as I stand frozen, hoping against hope that she'll appear again.

A snapping sound from behind me makes me whirl around. Rya's standing a few feet behind me, eyes wild as she clutches her hands to her chest. She's only there for a second before the air shimmers and she disappears again.

My eyes rove over the clearing, searching. The diner is still smoldering behind me as the rain pounds down against my face but I barely notice any of it. Instead my eyes comb over the clearing, over the small bundles of trees.

Nothing. No sign of life, just an empty expanse cut through with rain.

Come on, come on. I spin, searching. She has to be here somewhere, she has to be. But between the rain and the lightning thundering all around, it's almost impossible to see anything beyond a few feet.

I feel like an idiot for not realizing it sooner. The reason that she's so insistent on not using her powers, on not being a Super.

She can't control it.

Another sharp crack comes from between the trees. Lightning flashes, illuminating the scene, but still there's no sign of her. A sinking feeling starts in my chest - where do people go when they teleport?

More importantly, can they get stuck there?

Before my eyes, a figure appears so close on my right I could practically touch her. Instinctively I grasp for her but she's already gone, leaving only the ghost of fear behind.

There's another snap and I spin to see Rya feet away. Trembling with fear she takes a step forward, then another. Even from here I can see her hands are beginning to dissolve into nothing again.

Without hesitation I lunge through the haze of rain. Rya's moving forward too, racing over the ground, with each step more and more of her arms disappear. Tumbling over a root she crashes forward. Quickly I snake an arm out, catching Rya and crushing her into me. She's not going anywhere anymore, at least not without me.

Her breath stutters against me. I wait for the jerk in my chest, for the world to dissipate into darkness but it doesn't come.

Instead I feel Ryas arms clutching shakily at my jacket. With each breath I'm more sure that she won't disappear.

"That was terrifying." I crush her against me, her hair tickling my face, "Don't do that to me again."

"Trust me I don't want to." She mumbles into my chest. I can feel her heart racing against my chest. Or maybe it's mine. I can't tell anymore. Everything's hazy with adrenaline as the rain pounds down around us. Her face is so close I can feel her warm breath against my cheek. She's grinning with relief, her smile sending tingles over my skin.

Slowly I pull back, just enough to make space between us as I remember the way she pulled away in the diner. Still, I make sure to keep one hand on her arm. I'm not taking any chances. She's not going anywhere.

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