nineteen - detention and death threats

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*This chapters a little funky. I feel like I couldn't quite get it right but hopefully you all like it! It's not really filler but it's not really action either it's just strange, let me know whatcha think.* 

- Trey -

Detention is not the best place. Who am I kidding it sucks.

How would I know? Because I've been here much more than I would like to admit. Being a Super does have some drawbacks. Mainly, missing class because you're saving the world but not having a pass because you were, you know, Saving. The. World.

But let's not get mired down in the injustices of the public education system.

I tip back in my seat, looking around the room from my vantage point in the corner. Thankfully Mr. Slader isn't the one that's overseeing detention today, or it would be more awful than it already is. Mrs. Jones is standing at the front of the room, distractedly rifling through papers on her desk. I'm the first one there. Apparently, this I can be on time for.

The rest of us "delinquents" file in, but this is detention for just Mr. Sladers students so we're not so much delinquents as people who checked their phones in class or decided to mumble something to their neighbor.

The next to enter is a kid I vaguely know, CJ something or other. He sits directly in front of the door, as if already desperate to leave. The next person through the door is Sky, her face buried in her phone as she tries to get in a few last minutes of snapchat time. Last in the door is Rya, her eyes sweep over the crowd of students in the room before landing on me. I glance away.

As much as I tried to get over the lie, irritation still rises in my chest every time I see her. She can't toy with people's lives like this, her secrets affect more than just her. If we knew maybe we could stop the Harringtons before this whole thing gets out of hand.

But I've said all this over and over. So many times in the past day in fact, that Connor told me if I don't say it to Rya today we can no longer be friends.

I can't find a good time to confront her. Talking about her hidden superpower in the middle of gov class? Not the right move.

From the corner of my eye I see her slide into a seat next to me. Mrs. Jones claps bringing everyone's attention to the front.

"Okay kids, you are all in detention. Now, you know the drill. Sit here for thirty minutes quietly and try not to cause anymore trouble. I want to make this as painless as possible for all of us so please just no talking and no phones."

Everyone looks extremely bored the instant Mrs. Jones turns away. A few rows in front of me I see Sky slip her phone out beneath the desk. I glance over at Rya. Her head is buried in a textbook, focus sketched into the planes of her face. For the first time today, I notice the exhaustion in her features.

A phone punctuates the silence. Mrs. Jones' head whips up and she stares each of us down in turn. She jumps up from her seat, "Whose is it?"

The ringtone continues. We all start to squirm in our seats. The longer we wait in silence the worse it is, the room punctuated by the harsh tones. After another round of beeping Mrs. Jones goes for her purse, whipping out a battered iPhone 6 with the shrill beeps imitating from it. Her voice is high and flustered as she says, "My, my, It's mine. I'm so sorry, I have to take this. You all, be good."

Then she scurries out of the room.

I can feel Ryas gaze on the side of my head but I can't bring myself to turn. Once I start speaking I'm afraid all of my anger will come tumbling out again.

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