thirty five - plans are overrated anyway

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*Here is another chapter friends! I'm don't want to give you false hope with this two weeks in a row thing, I still won't be posting consistently. However, my writer's block decided to let for the past few weeks so hope is on the horizon. Happy reading! 

Ps. - Did I proof read this chapter? No, no I did not.*

- Rya -

"Come on," I mutter under my breath. My arms strain as I pull my wrists back, bracing my legs against the center console of the car. Even with all of my weight pulling against the cuffs the seal holds fast.

My foot slips and I topple backward, my spine cracking against the car seat. Letting out a string of curses I try to shift back into a semi-comfortable position. Trust me, it's a lot more difficult than it sounds without the use of my hands.

The lights inside the cuffs flare and electricity surges through them. I tense but it's too late, the electrical shock is already pulsing through my nerves. A safety feature which I'm sure was added to try and keep villains from attempting the very thing I am, escape. This is the third time a shock has wracked my nerves and I'm beginning to hate the League for not disabling that feature.

When it finally passes I glare down at the metal, a frustrated scream escaping my lips, "I'm trying to help your stupid League friends."

Of course, the handcuffs don't respond, though the lights do flare back at me tauntingly.

With a huff, I let my head thunk against the seat. Sweaty strands of hair fall into my face but I leave them, too exhausted to try and blow them away. For the last ten minutes, I've been battling with these stupid handcuffs and losing.

At first, I was content to sit and fume at Trey in silence, but as the minutes ticked by fear started to creep in. Now half an hour has passed since the rest of the group left. Something has to have gone wrong, I mean, the house is big but not that big right?

Though after getting zapped a few times, I'm beginning to regret the decision to try and help. My nerves are still twitching from the latest shock and my wrists are covered in red welts where the metal digs into them.

With each snubbed escape the agitation inside me grows. There's no way they're okay, not after this much time has passed, but if I keep trying to get free these stupid handcuffs are going to hurt me more than by anything Belladonna could do.

There's no way to tell if they're okay and with each second that passes the fear is creeping up my stomach.

I don't think they're coming back.

Shifting forward again, I study the seal that's formed against the plastic of the consul. Clearly brute force isn't working, no surprise since I have no muscles to speak of, so it's time for a strategy change.

There has to be some other way to disable the mechanisms. If prying your way out of the cuffs was an option, some other Villains would have done it before. No, I need to outsmart them. That I can do...


Instead of metallic links like handcuffs in the movies, the power dampening cuffs have a large bar connecting the handpieces. A rubber seal has expanded from the back of the bar, creating a sort of vacuum seal against the consul.

Now that I'm finally sitting still I can hear a soft electric whirring emanating from the cuffs. Leaning closer, I see a small vent squarely in the center of the bar that's locking my hands to the car. The vent must be drawing air out from beneath the rubber seal, creating a continuous vacuum that's too strong to break by force alone, like a high tech suction cup. If I can find a way to release the pressure then I should be able to move - finally.

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