eight - you're fridging me!

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*Hey guys before you start this chapter. I was reading back over some of my old deleted scenes and I present to you this masterpiece of a sentence:

I go for another brick, this time just yeeting it across the street at the guy.

Ah what an amazing writer I was. Hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope to heck that my style has improved in the past two years.*

- Rya -

This has to be the longest car ride of my life. I never thought that I would be sitting side by side with a League operative while my parents chat quietly in the front seat.

It's obvious that my parents don't know what to make of this situation. The whole ride I can see them flicking glances back at the Super in the rearview mirror a few times they try to make polite conversation with him but we always end up back in awkward silence. If this keeps up the next few weeks are going to be very, very long.

We pull into the driveway and I slide out of the car, noticing my neighbors sitting on their front porch enjoying the last glimpses of spring sunshine. I wonder how strange it must look for the three of us to get out of the car with a Super in tow. Then again this seems like it's going to become a daily occurrence. It took all my willpower on the ride back but I've accepted it. There's nothing I can do to get them to go away except to assure the League that I'm safe as quickly as possible.

One minor problem - I have no clue how to do that.

As we walk through the doors I can hear the twins racing around upstairs. My parents make their way into the kitchen. The door swings shut behind them but not in time to block out their muttered urgent tones. Clearly they are worried but I don't have time to think about that right now. I need to enact the PLOT. Step one of my PLOT or Plan for League Operative exTrication (hey I was on a time crunch it's not a long car ride) anyway step one - find out why I'm the one they think needs protection.

I turn to the Super, about to ask, when Riker comes racing down the stairs holding an electric blue soccer ball over his head. Seeing me he skids to a stop and stands behind me, peeking out from behind my leg so that only his green eyes and mischievous grin can be seen.

Reiss sprints after him into the living room, screaming, "Riker give it back!"

"No!" Riker yells, raising it over his head and sticking his tongue out at his brother. Letting out a frustrated cry, Reiss grabs for the ball but Riker doges around me keeping me between the two of them. He's so focused on keeping the ball away from his brother that he doesn't see the Super until he almost smacks into his legs. Riker eyes go wide as saucers as he scans the suited figure in front of him. The soccer ball is totally forgotten, as he turns to the kitchen and yells, "It's a Superhero! Mom mom Rya brought home a Superhero!"

I run a hand over my face in exasperation. Riker pokes at the Supers arm as if he doesn't believe it. I bat his hand away from the Super but now Reiss has come to his side too. "Leave him alone you little rascals."

"Do you get to blow stuff up and fight bad guys?" Riker asks, dancing out of my reach. I groan and drop into the couch giving in to the chaos. Riker keeps pelting questions at him, now practically jumping up and down, "What can you do?"

To his credit, the Super takes the appearance of my brothers in stride. Even though their chaotic energy permeates through the entire house he seems relaxed. He looks down at my brother, holding out a fist for him to bump, "What's your name my man?"

"I'm Riker," he eagerly pounds his fist against the Super. Then he points his thumb over his shoulder, "That's Reiss. He's my brother and he's shy."

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