thirty six - i'm definitely not fine

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*Hey it's been a sec! I've had a crazy summer but don't worry there is more to come on my Wattpad. I'll have an update about everything related to my writing here in the next few weeks but right now I just wanted to keep the story moving! This chapter is short but at least it's an update lol.


A sharp bang causes me to jump back, crashing into the marble wall. I've heard that sound before, it's been haunting my dreams ever since the fateful night I met Cerulean Ray.

A gunshot.

- Trey -

Pain screams through my leg. Fire shooting through the nerve, starting just above the knee and clawing all the way up my leg. The room is spinning in a dizzying array of colors, everything blurring in and out of focus.

Someone shouts next to me, words that I can't understand through the agony.

My breaths come in short gasps as beads of sweat trickle down my face. I can't feel anything except for the pain radiating through every nerve. From the bullet and from the splitting headache.

"I'll ask you again," Belladonna presses the cold metal of the gun into my shoulder but I barely feel it. She shoves me back against the wall but even that dulls in comparison. All I can feel is the thrumming agony above my knee.

Bella's eyes glisten with anger, as she hisses, "Who did you call?"

"No one," Connor says frantically.

He's pressed against the baseboard next to me, Ivette on my other side. Bella marched us here after she turned off whatever torture device incapacitated Ivette and me earlier. Its effects are still pounding through my head. I doubt I would have the energy to summon so much as a spark.

I definitely won't be able to now that Bella shot me.

Hissing out a breath, I slowly lower my eyes to my leg. It looks like the bullet just grazed me but the sight of crimson blood against my jeans makes me woozy. I force myself to focus. I can not pass out, not in front of Connor.

"I know that another Super set foot on this property." Bella glares over at Connor, the look more spiteful than any I've seen. "Did you think that my family wouldn't have prepared for such an event? So tell me who it is!"

"If we had backup," Ivette groans, still pressing her hand to her head, "Wouldn't we be out of here by now?"

"You want to be next Princess." Bella points the gun at her and Ivette flinches away.

The three of us cower there, pressed into the dark corner of the room. We found out far too late that our powers will do us no good in this house so we don't really have much of a choice but to sit here while Bella waves a gun at us.

I don't know in what universe she thinks we could have called for backup. We haven't been out of her sight since we stepped foot in this room. Even if we could have another Super would be no help here.

What we really need is a plan and preferably one that doesn't involve any more gunfire.

Though I try to press it down, another gasp of pain escapes my chest. Immediately Connor is there, his hands hovering over the tear in my jeans. I can see the panic dancing behind his eyes.

"What do you think you're doing?" Bella snaps, the weapon now pointed at him. She seems to be fraying at the edges, the harsh confidence slipping just for a moment before she snaps it back into place.

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