thirty one [part 1] - i almost get incinerated

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- Rya -

It takes me eight tries to stop jumping. My room flickers before my eyes as I try to gain control over my racing pulse, to get the darkness to stop sucking me back down.

With a jolt, the ground solidifies beneath my feet and I drop to the ground. Within seconds I have my backpack slung over my shoulder, hand on the doorknob, ready to get the hell out.

I freeze, hand hovering inches above the metal.

What are you doing Rya, go. This is what I've been trying to do for the past few days and now finally I can. No one's in the way. No more distractions. I can escape.

I can run.

It's a basic, primal urge that pulses through even once of my body. The need to get as far from the League and all this as possible. To keep running until all the fear fades into the background. I've been doing it for so long that I've forgotten how else to live.


Except for brown eyes that put all their trust in me. Except for the most ridiculous act of selflessness I've ever known. Except for the first time I'm starting to believe in heroes again.

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

I swing the backpack off my shoulder, marching back into the room with a frustrated sigh. This would be so much simpler if I was actually a Villain.

Unzipping the bag, I stare down at the checkered mask. There's so much stacked against me. Bellas had training, years of experience with her family being - well I'm still not really clear on what they do, but evil stuff. Most days I can't even use my powers. Not to mention I don't know where she would have taken Nick.

If there's one thing I've learned from Shadow, it's that sometimes you can't take on a challenge alone. That just leaves one option.


This is possibly the dumbest thing I've ever done. That's saying a lot. I've done some pretty stupid stuff over the past few weeks but this has to top the chart.

The mask slices into the bridge of my nose, a constant reminder of what I'm about to risk. It's been years since I've worn the uniform and most of it didn't fit. I had to rummage through my closet for anything that resembled Shadows suit. Luckily the black jacket and jeans weren't hard to replace.

I expected the outfit to feel foreign, but something about being back beneath the mask is strangely comforting.

Across the street from me tower the doors of League HQ, illuminated by the swath of floodlights. The rain has slowed to a drizzle, blurring the street into dreamlike mist. Despite the rain, the sidewalks buzz with Supers. Probably all out looking for me.

Well, it's going to be easier than they expect.

Stepping off the curb, I make my way across the street. Each step makes my heart jump into my chest but I keep going. Somehow none of the Heroes have noticed that the Villain they're searching for is about to walk into their midst. They probably don't think anyone would be that idiotic.

I'm sure that someone is going to recognize me, but I make it to the doors without a problem. They seem so much more imposing up close, stretching off into the mist. The League logo is etched into the glass, staring down at me in all its glory. Here I am. Home of the Heroes.

I rest my hand on the glass, a slow breath releasing from my lips.

I guess I'm really doing this.

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