seven - i gain at stalker (sort of)

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*You guys thought I was just gonna give you one chapter but guess what... you got two! I'm ahead of schedule with my writing so surprise -insert jazz hands here- * 

- Trey -

You know what you have to do. The words of LPs text echo in my head as I pace around the lobby. He's right - but the simple truth is I don't want to. It's going to make this whole thing way too real.

My finger hovers over the call button. I let out a sigh and hold the phone up to my ear. As it rings, I cross my fingers behind my back, hoping that they wont answer.

"Hello, this is Katherine Morgan." A voice crackles over the small speaker.

"Hello Mrs. Morgan," I let out a slow breath, "I'm with the League. There was an incident today at Westend High. Your daughter Rya was there. She's not injured but we are treating her for a concussion. We would like to speak with you if either you or your spouse could come to HQ."

There's a slight pause as Ryas mom takes this in. Even though she's not here I've spent enough time at the Morgan household to picture the distress on her face. Before she can speak again I quickly say, "I want to stress that your daughter is completely fine and has not been hurt whatsoever."

"We are going to be there in asap." Her voice is filled with strain as it crackles over the speakers. In the background I can hear her racing around the house and calling to her husband. "Tell us where to go and we'll be there."


Light sparks off the glass hallway that connects the visitors center to the lobby of HQ. Rya's parents should be here any minute and I can feel the stress thrumming through my nerves. I don't want to tell them that because of me their daughter might be in danger. Up until high school whenever my mom worked the night shift at the ER I would always be at the Morgan house. They've been like my second family since third grade. I don't want to do anything alienate them.

Bouncing on my toes, I fidget with the mask in my hands. With my uniform on I feel more official but I can't decide if I should wear the mask or not. It just feels wrong. The Morgan family has done so much for me, putting on this mask feels like I'm trying to cover up the trouble I'm about to cause them.

Muttering a string of choice words under my breath, I spin on my heels and stalk over to look into the entryway once more - still empty. A few feet away LP is reclining against the wall, paging through a manilla folder. All the medical files from today as well as any other forms that the Morgan family is going to need to fill out. I can't imagine what they are going to say when they get here, will they be angry, disappointed, or will they try to reject our help all together just like Rya did?

"You're going to break that," LP points at the mask that I'm ringing between my fingers. I shove the mask into my pocket. As I bring my hand out I notice that the fibers have rubbed my hands raw, leaving red welts over my fingertips and across my palms. My fists clench.

I shove my hands into my pockets and I'm about to turn away when two people burst through the doors of the visitors center. Mr. Morgan races to the visitors desk while Mrs. Morgan looks frantically around the room, no doubt searching for her daughter.

My feet are rooted to the ground. Just go down the hallway and get them. But I can't. It's better to just stay here and not attract their attention, safer that way.

LP looks between me and the family in the waiting room who are now having a vehement discussion with the man behind the desk. Without a word he slips through the door and into the lobby.

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