nine - super sleeper

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* This chapter is dedicated to my number girl @Scarlet_Night_Sky for being legit the cutest human being.*

- Rya -

This should be the part where I tell you that I woke up to birds chirping and sun streaming into my window and believed that it was all a bad dream. It should be where I have one blissful moment of sleepy, disoriented hope where I forget that unknown people are trying to kill me and my best friend, forgot that there's a Super sleeping on my floor. It should have seemed like a normal Sunday morning.

But, if I told you that it would be a lie. No matter how many times I tried to forget about the past two days and get some sleep, thoughts just kept turning over in my mind. What happened with Trey that made someone so angry that they thought to target his friends? Why choose me? And, the most horrifying, what if that's not the reason for these attacks? For the few precious moments of sleep I got last night (and trust me, they were few and far between) I had fitful dreams of dark alleys and faceless tormentors.

So no, I didn't have a cliche storybook moment. At 5:53 I rolled out of my bed, knowing that I wasn't going to get another second of sleep no matter how hard I tired.

Trying to stay put is pointless, I pace around my room, unable to keep my fears from clawing their way back into my mind. There's one way to stop this. I press my palms into my eyes and groan with indecision. I need to run, to clear my head, but that's against the rules. I'm supposed to be staying here and staying safe.

Cracking my door open, I peer out into the upstairs living room. In the half light of morning I can see the Super just where I left him last night. His arms splayed out over the back of the couch as snores emanate from behind his mask. My fearless defender I think and roll my eyes.

Softly closing the door, I tiptoe down the stairs and past him, softly placing a note at the foot of the couch. Hopefully if I explain where I've gone no one will worry about me, but I'm planning on being back before anyone else wakes up.

The cool morning air hits my face and I instantly know I made the right decision. The ground pounds beneath my feet. My breaths are steady and rhythmic. Everything in my control. As long as I keep running nothing can hurt me. I'm invincible as my feet fly over the concrete and my lungs gasp for the cold air. Out here there's no League, no one chasing me. Just me and the road.

I turn a corner, seeing the sun just starting to touch the horizon. My thoughts make their way back to what the Super told me last night. What could Trey have done? He only could have been in the League for a few months now. There's no way to make an enemy in that amount of time.

Another thought pops into my head, this one so ridiculously obvious that I almost stop in my tracks. There was another Super. The one that saved me after my track meet. That's got to be Trey.

My mind runs through that night again. The memory is hazy with pain but I do remember the strange ease I felt as he walked me to my car. I focus more, trying to hone in on the moment when the alleyway was filled with light. The more I think it over as my feet pound against the ground the more sure I become. Treys not just any Super, he's Cerulean Ray. He sooooo could have told me that night. Now he really has it coming.

My muscles burn and my lungs ache as I continue racing down the street. I've never felt so alive. I feel truly here. Centered.


I can't believe he's still asleep. I've walked in and out of my room at least a half a dozen times since I got back from my run. I've showered, changed, eaten breakfast, and Ghost is still asleep. I'm sorry, how is this kid a Hero again?

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