five - poster squad!

360 25 9

- Trey -

"I hate everything. Suspended. How could they do that? Patrol is the most important part of the job and why all this indefinitely nonsense - just pick a date!" I rant, pacing between the third floor couches. A few other Supers look around at me but I'm too angry to care.

LP looks up from the holotablet he's examining as I storm toward him. With a huff, I drop onto the couch next to him. One side of his mask quirks as if he's raising an eyebrow at me, "I take it the meeting went well."

"The meaning of the League isn't to be a hero." I air quote the words rolling my eyes in disgust, "Then what the hell is the point of the League?"

LPs eyes drift back down to the glowing profile in front of him. From what I can see of the screen, there's a wanted profile displayed there. He shakes his head slightly, and mutters "Accepting your abilities."

"Does everyone know this but me?" A surge of annoyance shoots through me. The first thing you think of when you say League is hero so how could that not be the purpose of this whole organization.

"Did you not do any of your orientation work Rookie?" LP grins beneath his mask with palpable amusement.

I grit my teeth, why is he not as irritated by this as I am. I've worked so hard for the past few months and now they are going to take it all away because of one mistake. His grin only makes me angrier, he needs to be as upset as I am. I start again, "You know who your new partner is?"

"Me." I spin around to see Ivette standing behind us, her hands on her hips and a triumphant grin overtaking her face. I feel sick just looking at her. Clearly she knew about her promotion before. She's suited up for patrol in an all reflective all white suit that nearly blinds me to look at, her dark hair stark against it.

"I guess congratulations are in order then." LP says, unfazed, as he throws the tablet down onto the couch between us.

"Are you just always here?" I spit at her. Ivette ignores me and takes a seat opposite us, crossing her legs and leaning forward in anticipation. I can see excitement sparkling in her eyes. Apparently it doesn't matter if she has to work with us, as long as she finally gets to patrol.

"Let's talk strategies," Ivette smirks, flicking a lock of her hair over her shoulder, "If I have to work with you then the least I can do is make sure you don't do anything stupid."

Ivette launches into a detailed plan of how LPs intangibility can work with her emote abilities. Rolling my eyes, I tune out the conversation, grabbing the fallen tablet off the seat next to me to distract myself. The screen flares, bringing up the wanted profile from before. In the center of the screen there's a grainy black and white still from a security camera with the time stamp in the bottom dating three years ago. In the image is a small figure in the process of turning away from the lens. I squint. The figure is clearly a woman, her dark hair is pulled up into a ponytail. Other than that it's almost impossible to distinguish anything about her. My eyes flick to the information under the shot:

Alias: Shadow

Ability: Teleportation

Identity: Unknown

PT rank (1-12): 11

Wanted for breaking League code.

There are hundreds of pages like this in the Leagues database. Rogue Supers pop up all the time, combined those with criminals and Villains and you have a list miles long of people all over the world that the League wants to catch, but most of them don't have a PT rank that high. Destroyer only ranked 8 on his risk assessment. A multitude of factors are used to determine how much of a danger this Super poses to the public - enhancement, mastery of ability, volatility - and so many complicated calculations I don't pretend to understand. Any Super in the League would rank a 1 or a 2, normal criminals or disruptive Supers a 5 to 9, but Super Villains, they rank 10 or higher and I've never seen anyone to be a 12.

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