two - i meet the poster boy

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- Rya -

"I don't have anything," My voice quivers, as I feel the cold metal press into my temple. My heart pounds against the inside of my skull. I let me knees give out but, the man's hand drags with me as I fall to my knees. I squeak out, "All the money I have is in the bag."

Crack. Pain slices through my head and my cheek hits the rough ground. Tears prick my eyes and everything blurs as pain bubbles up at the base of my neck. At least he didn't shoot you the sardonic part of my brain says. I squeeze my eyes around the tears. There's still a chance he will, you're not in the clear yet, I remind myself.

"I said don't move." He hisses I can barely hear him through the blood pounding in my head. I try to focus, shutting my eyes tight and trying to conjure up a thought, but it's impossible though the fog in my brain. An icicle of fear pierces my heart. A train of worse and worse ideas shoots through my mind as I try and figure out what he could possibly want with me.

I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for a crack, a command, anything. With the last remnants of my willpower draining away I think about my family, my home, how I'm supposed to be there with them right now and not stuck in some alley hoping that I won't die. My thoughts drifts to my room, where I should be, the image coming crisp and clear to my mind. I take a deep breath-

Blinding light fills the alley, making the image on the back on my eyelids dissipate. I pull my hands up to cover my head. It's too late to escape now. My heart beats stops as I wait for the bang of a gunshot.

None comes.

The sound of shouting in the alley echoes behind me. A new voice mixes with the muggers, blurred together in my pounding skull. I pull my hands from my head, they're dry. No blood is a good thing. At least I think.

Please let that be a good thing.

The voices are getting louder but still jumbled. I raise my head an inch, blue light glints off the screen of my phone a foot away. It must have spilled from my bag when I fell to the ground. The screen is now zigzagged with spiderweb like cracks. I stretch my hands out, praying that it will still work as my fingers scraping against the rough concrete.

Another crack echoes through the alley. I jerk my hand back, pulling my phone to my chest. When no pain comes, I quickly spin around to survey the scene. Spots dance in front of my vision, the movement too fast for my injured head to take.

Hurriedly, I blink they away. The scene that greets me is even more startling than I could have imagined. A Super in bright blue and white is standing five feet from me, facing off against my would-be mugger. Eerie blue energy coming from his fingers and casting light around the alley. Everything is slightly blurred from the tears clogging my eyes. Scooting back until I bump into the alley wall I cradle my phone against my chest, unable to rip my eyes from the scene.

The Supers hands are extended, creating a wall of flowing light that separates our side of the alley from the mugger. The barrel of his gun is aimed straight at it, smoking slightly from the shot he just fired. A thought swims to the surface of my delirious mind, I thought the smoking gun was a myth.

The Super yells, "I'm giving you a last warning! Put the gun down and we can all sort this out okay?"

Geez is this guy the poster boy for the League? That thought is interrupted by another shot. This time I scream, but it sparks harmlessly off the blue energy. The Super flinches, but from the bullet or the shrill echo my yell I'm not sure.

Then he pounces. Blue swirls erupt from his fingertips, dispersing his shield and encasing the man in a glowing cocoon. The mugger gasps, the muscles of his neck growing taught as he strains to get free with no success. Heart hammering with fear, I try and make myself look even smaller against the wall, hoping everyone will just ignore me.

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