c h a p t e r ☆ 11

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Jessica's POV

"Trust me."

His words echo in my head. Why am I like this? I'm supposed to be the Ice Princess. Why am I letting this get to me? What are you doing, Kris Wu? My conscience replys to my question.

He's melting your ice walls, Jessica.

Sooyoung's POV

I heard about what happened with Kris and Jessica. Dang, that guy does not know when stop, does he? I shake my head in frustration as I slam my locker shut.

"Sooyoung?" A deep voice asks behind me. I quickly turn around.

"Oh, Chanyeol. You scared me," I reply, placing my hand over my heart.

"Sorry Soo," he smiles back.

I shake my head. "Its fine, what did you what?" I ask.

"Oh, well I wanted to make sure you were ok. It seemed a bit, off, yesterday and today," he replies.

"Uh, gwenchana, gomowo," I nod and smile.

"Are you sure? I mean I just did witness you slam your locker," he looks worried.

"Ne, don't worry about me too much, kay Yeollie?" I assure him. He nods.

"Do you wanna walk to class now? I mean, you know we have the same class," he suggests.

"Yes, Chanyeol, I would love to walk to class with you," I smile back. Why is he so nervous? He nods and we start walking.

"Hey Soo?" He says, breaking the silence. I turn my head to him.

"Ne?" I reply.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. Maybe go to that new ice store around the corner?" He asks. O. M. G. Did he just ask me out! *squeal*

"Yeah, that sounds awesome!" I squeal back.

"Great, afterschool then?" He replies, smiling. I nod. We enter the classroom and sit down in our seats. I realize something.

I think I like Chanyeol.


Sorry for the short chapter. So what do ya think?

Finally some ChanSoo action, right? Lol. I know Jessica's POV was short, but I kinda didn't know what to write, so I went to Sooyoung. I know, I suck at love scenes, so don't judge. Anyways, see ya!

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