c h a p t e r ☆ 12

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Sooyoung's POV

Since Chanyeol and I had the same classes, we left right after school to go to the new ice cream place. I texted Tae so that she knows where I am. When we walked through the door, a little bell rang, signaling our entrance. We walk to a small table and sit down, while a waitress comes to take out order.

"Hi, what can I get for you?" She asks, batting her eyelashes at Chanyeol. Ew.

"Uh, I'll get an oreo milkshake," he replies, not even glancing at her.

"And you?" She lazily asks me.

"Um, some vanilla ice cream," I simply reply. She quickly writes it down and leaves.

"So, you like original, huh?" Chanyeol asks.

"Yeah, in my opinion, it tastes the best," I reply shyly. Knowing that Chanyeol was now my crush, I gotten a little shy around him.

"But I love oreos and milkshakes, so I guess putting them together would be, like, mindblowing for me," I shrug. Chanyeol just laughs.

"Well maybe you can taste mine and see how you like it," he chuckles.

"Sounds like a plan," I say amusingly. We both laugh. Our waitress comes back with our order.

"Oreo milshake for the handsome gentleman," she says, placing his milkshake in front of him. "And ice cream for you," she says hastily, practicaly throwing down my bowl of ice cream before scurrying off.

"Is it just me, or does she not like me very much?" I ask Chanyeol, who is sipping his milkshake.

"She's probably just jealous because she's not as pretty as you," he shrugs. Did he just call me pretty?

"Y-you think I'm pretty?" I ask.

"Of course. Anybody would be pabo if they didn't think you're pretty," he says. I can feel my face starting to turn pink.

"T-thank you," I fumble, pushing my ice cream around.

"No problem. You probably want to eat your ice cream before it melts, by the way," he mentions. I nod, putting a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth.

"You got a little bit on the corner of your mouth, here," he says, wiping it with his thumb. I blush even more.

"Ah, thanks," I say, taking another bite.

"No probs," he replies nonchalanatly, sipping his milkshake. We finish 10 minutes later, joking and talking, and Chanyeol pays. What a gentleman.

"So, did you have fun?" Chanyeol asks. I nod.

"Let me drive you to your dorm. Its too far to walk," he says and I nod. We walk over to his car and get in. The ride was silent and the whole time, I was wondering what he was thinking. When we finally got to my dorm, he got out and opened my door for me.

"Since when did you become such a gentleman," I smirk, climbing out of the car.

"I've always been one of the nicer guys out of EXO," he shrugs. I giggle.

"Well, you're being extra sweet today," I laugh.

"Maybe I'm just in the mood," he laughs back. He walks me too the door of my dorm.

Just before I went in I turned to him. "You know what, Chanyeol? I realized I like you," I say, going into the house not even giving him a chance to reply. I squeal once I'm in the dorm. I wonder how I'm going to face him after what I said today...

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