c h a p t e r ☆ 29

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Hyoyeon's POV

"I don't get what you're trying to do here," I cock my head to the side.

"Just watch me, and mirror my moves," He huff impatiently. I roll my eyes.

"I'm leaving," I walk over to my bag and toss it onto my shoulder.


"This isn't going to work," I reply, making my way to the door.


"Call me when you will actually let me work with you," I ca, opening the door.

I was about to take a step out before my arm was yanked back into the room. I stumbled as I ran into Kai's hard chest.

"What do you think you're doing?" I growl, shoving myself off him.

"We have a project to do. Either we fail it or ace it." He explains.

"And?" I raise an eyebrow.

"We are going to ace it."


Sunny's POV

"Min! Min! Xiumin!" I shout all over the house.

"Ne?" I hear his voice in the living room.

"Buy me food," I pout, doing aegyo.

"Why me?" He chuckles.

"Because my unnies won't buy me food," I frown, crossing my arms.

"Arraseo," He chuckles. "We can go to Shilla I guess."

"Yay! Kamsa, oppa," I smile, bouncing off to get a jacket.

I put on my white and pink letterman and leave with Xiumin out the door to Shilla Bakery. It's not that far from our dorm, so we walk.

"What do you want to eat?" He asks, as we walk side by side.

"Hmm, bubble tea and castella," I exclaim.

"Jinjja? I want milkis and croissants," He replies.

We arrive at the bakery shortly after and we pick our foods and drinks up and pay before sitting down at a table.

"Thanks again, oppa!" I smile, taking my food.

"My treat, Sunny," He smiles back.



I'M ALIVE! Hewo, it's been a while. Sorry for not updating. School sucks. .06 away from straight a's :| hope you enjoyed this chapter with some XiuSun action. I'll update as soon as I can. Love you :3


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