c h a p t e r ☆ 17

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Jessica's POV

I honestly need to delete Kris from my life. Then, all the drama would just go away. And I would love for that to happen. I rub my eyes and lay my head on the desk again. Ugh, I'm gonna have to sit next to Kris for the next 7 hours. Thanks teachers for putting us next to each other.

Kris walks in 10 seconds before the teacher. When he sits next to me, I expect him to say sonething. But instead he sits quietly with a cold glare on his face. Weird.

"Alright, class. Please turn to page 154 in your textbooks..." Mr. Lee instructs. Hmm, I'll figure out Kris sooner or later.


After class ended, I pack my things up. Maybe he isn't talking to me because the teacher would've caught him. But he's never cared about getting caught. I sit there, expecting to hear his low voice, but once I look over, I see he is no where in sight. I sigh. What, is he ignoring me now?

Sooyoung's POV

I walk over to my locker after saying bye to the girls. Once I open it, I find a white rose with a beautiful card next to it. I smell the rose as I read the card.

My Dear Soo,

The first time I saw you, I instantly fell for you. You were sweet, beautiful and kind. You seem quite amazing. I know it's a bit sudden, and we don't know each other that well, but I'd like for you to be my girlfriend. If your answer is yes, please come to the school's garden during lunch. If your answer is no, don't come, I'll understand. Hope to see you there.


Chan...Yeol? Is it him? I hope it is. He knows I like him so, I would think...

I put the note in my pocket and put the rise back into my locker. I grab my books and kick my locker shut. When I get to my class, I sit next to Channel like always. I try reading his face. Was he the one who put that not in there?

"Are you just gonna keep staring at me like that?"

"What?" I jumped. I didn't notice Chanyeol looking back at me.

"You've been staring at me for 5 minutes. Are you okay?" He asks.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." I smile.

He gives me an uneasy look before turning back to the teacher. Guess I'll have to wait until lunch to find out who this anonymous person is.

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