c h a p t e r ☆ 1

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t a e y e o n

I groaned as I slowly opened my heavy eyelids, instantly blinded by the bright sunshine peaking through the windows. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes as I adjusted to the bright light. I glanced over at the clock and widened my eyes.

"Crap, we're going to be late."

I hopped out of bed to wake up the rest of my members. Today was going to be our first day at SMENT. We needed to hurry or else we are going to be late, and that's not a particularly good way to make a first impression.

"Wake up!" I yell, shaking some them or taking away their blankets.


"We have to leave in 20 minutes. Let's go!" I shout, ignoring their protests.

I leave to get ready myself, pulling out a white t-shirt that went off both shoulders, a brown skirt, and a long sweater that went down to my knees, and some black ankle boots. [basically what she wore in "I"]

After getting dressed, I head downstairs, preparing breakfast for the rest of the girls. One by one they came down and together we ate breakfast. We finished up, polishing off some details here and there.

"Let's go!" Tiffany shouted, skipping out the door. I roll my eyes, it's too early in the morning to be this energetic, but the rest of us followed her out the door.

When we reached the school, all the attention seemed to be focused on this group of boys, with an even larger group of girls surrounding them, screaming "oppa!" and "I love you!". The boys wore a quite bored expression, as if they were used to all the attention.

One of the boys turned his head in our direction and noticed our presence, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I stared, wondering why he was so confused, but I looked away, following the rest of the girls into the main office.

b a e k h y u n

I rolled my eyes in annoyance at the large crowd surrounding us. They do every single day, it gets annoying. I notice the sound of the school's main doors opening, signifying more students were entering.

I glance over and notice it's a group of girls. I continue to watch as they hardly give us a glance, walking right past us into the main office.

One glances over and catches my eye, staring at us in confusing before following her friends into the office.

I turn to Chanyeol, telling him what had happened, and he seems surprised too. Practically every single girl in this school is in love with us, yet these new girls, who I've never seen before, hardly give us a second glance.

I turned to Suho, about to tell him what happened, when the overhead mic requested our group to come to the main office.

Pushing through the large crowd, even though they kept following us, we entered the office and our principle's request. Surprised, the group of the girls were standing in the office next to Ms. Park.

"What do you need, Ms. Park?" Chanyeol questioned.

When Angels And Wolves Collide (SLOWLY REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now