c h a p t e r ☆ 34

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Tiffany's POV

"Hey Suho!" I yell. No one was at the house for some reason and I was bored. I couldn't go anywhere since Taeyeon took the car.

"Yes?" He replies. I walk into the living room and sit down on the couch, next to him.

"Would you like to bake cookies with me?" I ask, giving my eye smile.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because I bored," I pout.

He chuckles, "Okay, sounds fun."

"Yay!" I cheer, jumping up. I lead him to the kitchen and we get out the supplies that we would need.

"Eggs, sugar, salt, flour," I mumble to myself.

I got out all the ingredients and Suho and I need to make the cookies and Suho got out all the supplies.

We began baking. I put my iPod in a speaker shuffled through some k-pop songs.

I hopped back to the counter where Suho was and looked up the recipe on my phone. We began to do as the instructions said and soon we created the dough and rolled it out to create shapes.

"Hmm, which shapes should we use?" I ask, looking the variety of cookie cutters in front of us.

"How about the ☆, ♧, and ♡?" Suho ask, picking out the 3 shapes.

I nod, "Okay."

We took the shapes and pressed them onto the dough, cutting out the unique shapes. After cutting them, out, we transferred them to the baking sheet. We had preheated the oven before we began baking, so the oven was ready by the time we finished preparing the cookies. I grabbed the pan full of cookies and put them in the oven. I closed the oven and set the timer for the appropriate time.

"They should be done in 15 minutes," I smile, turning to Suho.

"I guess we should clean up then," He replies. I nod in reply.

Suho began to put away the dirty dishes covered in cookie dough. I started to pack up the flour when an idea popped into my mind.

"I can always clean it up," I mumble to myself, taking a handful of flour.

"What was that?" Suho turned around. I took that as my time to attack. I threw the fistful of flour in his face, creating a dust cloud. When the cloud cleared up, I was left with a flour covered Suho.

"Is that how you wanna play?" He asks with a devious smile, grabbing an egg.

I shriek, trying to run away before he can throw it at me. I shriek again as I feel a wet substance hit my back. I turn around and grabbed an egg also, throwing it almost as soon as I obtain it. I hit Suho square in the chest and smile victoriously. He grabs a handful of flour and creates a dust cloud in front of me. I cough, swatting away the flour particles. I grab another handful of flour and throw it back at him.

"Tiffany! Suho!" A familiar voice yells.

We turn to the entrance of the kitchen to find a glaring Taeyeon. I gulp as she enters the kitchen.

"Aigo, you guys are so childish," She scolds as she glances around the kitchen.

"Mian unnie, we were just baking cookies and kinda got carried away," I shyly apologize.

"Just clean it up," Taeyeon sighs, exiting the room.

I glance back at Suho. I laugh at his flour covered face.

"What?" He asks.

I shake my head, "Nothing."


Hyoyeon's POV

"1 2 3 4, 5 6 7 8."

I follow the steps our dance director taught us, dancing to the music.

"Good job, Hyoyeon," My teacher praises.

I smile sheepishly as I continue to dance, looking at my movements in the mirror of the dance room. I must've got too distracted looking at certain part of my body that didn't pay attention to my ankles for when I head to turn. I slip and fall, feeling a sharp pain in my left ankle.

My teacher rushes over, "Hyoyeon! What happened?" 

"I slipped and fell," I reply, glancing at my ankles.

She bends down and touches my ankle. "Does it hurt when I do this?"

I shake my head. She touches it in a different way and I wince.

"Hmm, you might have sprained it..." She ponders. I look back down at my ankle and sigh. Hopefully nothing too serious.

"Kim Jong In!" My teacher yells across the room.

Kai jogs over to where I'm sitting and faces my teacher. "Ne?"

"Take Hyoyeon to the nurse," She orders.

He glances down at me and nods. She leaves, attending to other students.

"Uhm, do you think you can stand?" He asks.

"I think, but only on my right leg," I reply. He nods and begins to help me up.

I slightly wince as my left foot hits the ground. My grasp on Kai's arm tightens. Kai must've noticed as he put a concerned look on his face.

"Maybe it would be better if you didn't put any pressure on either ankle," He suggests. I nod, not really sure what to do about the situation.

The air is knocked out of my lungs as I lifted up. I look at Kai with wide eyes. "Dang, you're light."

I roll my eyes at his comment as he begins to walk. It was a bit awkward as we let silence take over. I kinda just rested there in his arms as he walked to the nurse's office.

We finally arrived at the nurse after a looooong awkward silence. Kai placed me down on one of the bed things and explained to the nurse what happened.

She comes towards me and examines my ankle. After a few minutes of looking and touching my ankle, she comes to the conclusion that it's sprained. She wraps a bandage around my ankle as she tells me that I must not put any pressure on it at all. That means no dancing.

She leaves the room and Kai comes and sits next to the bed that I lay on.

"I can't dancing for like the next 5 weeks," I sigh, sitting up.

"You'll get a break for a while," Kai shrugs.

"But I love to dance!" I exclaim, looking over at him.

Another awkward silence takes over the room.

"Hey, let's get back to the dorm," He says. I sigh, but nod and he walks over to my bed and picks me up again.

We walk out of the nurse's office and towards the dorm.

"How long have you been dancing for?" He asks.

"Hmm, for as long as I can remember," I shrug.

"Same here," He laughs, making feel the vibrations of his chest.

We reach the dorm and Tae's eyes open wide.

"I sprained my ankle," I explain.

Her mouth forms into 'O' shape. "So, you can't dance?"

I shake my head. Kai brings me to my room and places me on my bed.

"Thanks," I say.

"It's no problem," He smiles back.

I smile as he leaves my room.

"Thanks for everything."


SORRY FOR BEING LATE! I'm rewriting some of my books 'behind the scenes' including this one. Hope you enjoyed!


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