c h a p t e r ☆ 32

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Yoona's POV

"You what?"

"I like you," He replies slowly.

"Well, Sehunnie, I like you too," I smile back.

"You... you do?"

I nod my head. I can't believe it. He likes me too?

"Then, Yoona, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He smiles, reaching over to hold my hand. Jolts shoot through my arm as his hand comes in contact with mine.

"Of course!" I exclaim. I can't believe it. Am I dreaming? Somebody pinch me. First Soo and now me? Just watch, the rest of EXOSHIDAE will get together right in front of our eyes. I smile at the thought.

"What are you thinking about?" Sehun interrupts my thoughts.

"It's funny how we're starting to date after Sooyoung and Chanyeol. Just wait, and soon the rest of EXOSHIDAE will get together," I chuckle.

"Who knows, maybe they will," He laughs back. Gosh, I love his smile. Oh my goodness, I need help.

"That would be the perfect EXOSHIDAE then," I smile at the thought. It feels like everyone would be happy.

"Yeah, and that would make D.O, Chen, and Lay like loners," Sehun chuckles.

"Oh right, you have 3 more members than us," I laugh.

"So, how's your bubble tea?" He asks.

"Good, taro is a good flavor," I reply. (tbh I don't like taro XD).

"I thought so. It's Lu Hyung's favorite," He smiles.

"You know what I think?" I ask. He nods, signaling for me to go on.

"I think Luhan kinda unknowingly brought us together," I laugh.

"Huh, I guess that's kinda true," He laughs back.


We finished up our bubble tea and we're back in Sehun's car.

"Are we going to tell the others we're together?" I ask.

Sehun reaches over and holds my head, rubbing his thumb against it.

"Of course, I don't want any of the other guys think they can hit on my girl," He looks over, giving me a cheeky smile.

I roll my eyes, but my own smile is on my face. "Ok."

It was another short ride back from the shop and we hopped out of the car and walked back to the dorm, holding hands.

The first pair to catch eyes of the sight was BaekYeon. They looked at each other before looking back at us.

"Let me guess; you're dating?" Taeyeon raises an eyebrow.

I sheepishly look at Sehun, a blush spreading across my cheeks, and look back at Taeyeon. "Yep."

"Alright, so now we have like what, ChanSoo, SeoHan, and now SeYoon?" She looks over at Baekhyun in question.

He just shrugs in reply.

"Wait a minute, hold the phone. SEOHAN IS TOGETHER?!" I exclaim.

"Yep, they've apparently been secretly dating for a couple of weeks," Taeyeon nods.

I let go of Sehun's hand. "SEO JOO HYUN, WHERE THE FUDGE ARE YOU?"

I hear Sehun's chuckle as I storm up the stairs. I run to the bedroom I share with Seo.

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