c h a p t e r ☆ 16

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Jessica's POV

So Sooyoung likes Chanyeol, yeah? They would be cute together though. Both are tall and talented. They're personalities would match each other, no? Well, aside from that, I can't get Kris out of my head. What he did and what he said... I just can't get it out. I've been avoiding him these past few days and I'm sure he has noticed.

I walk into school like I usually do, with all the girls. I slowly stalk to my locker and get my stuff. I head to my homeroom class and sit down in an empty seat. I lay my head down on my desk close my eyes. I feel a presence in front of me a few minutes later, expecting it to be Kris. But when I opened my eyes, unless Kris likes wearing skirts to school, it's not him. I look up to see Hyemi, school's queenka, glaring at me with her hands on her hips.

"What do you want?" I ask, laying my head back down on my desk.

"You and I need to talk," she glares.

"Then talk," I mumbles.

"In private," I can hear the icy tone in her voice.

I sigh before getting up. "Listen Hyemi, I don't have time for your stupid games, so you better tell me right here, or not tell me at all," I glare.

"Wow, look at Jessica being all brave," she says sarcastically. She grabs my wrist and drags me out of the room.

"Let go of me!" I shriek, yanking my hand away.

She smirks as she looks at me. "Listen, I only have one thing to ask of you."

"What," I ask, tiredly.

"Stay away from Kris, then I will never bother you," she simply says. Stay away from Kris? He's kind of becoming my crush though...

"That will be easy," I lie. "I've been ignoring him for the past few days."

"Good, then it won't be hard for you. But just in case you change your mind," she says, stepping closer to me, "Kris is mine, he's been mine before you and your stupid friends came, so just keep that in mind. He'll never love a lowlife like you," she scruches up her nose. Ouch, didn't have to be so mean.

"Hyemi!" A husky voice yells from behind.

"Oh, oppa!" She cries happily. Kris walks up to us.

"What the fudge do you think your doing?" He glares at her angrily.

"What? Oh, I was just letting Sica unnie know that you're mine," she says, innocently. Kris rolls his eyes.

"We broke up a week ago," he say tiredly, as if he had to tell her for the 100th time.

"So? I still love you, and I'm sure you love me too," she pouts. Ew.

"Since when have I ever said that? I broke up with you for a reason," he glares.

"But oppa, I really do love you and miss you, and I'm sorry for not being a good girlfriend but..." she starts to cry.

"Not being a good girlfriend? You freaking cheated on me!" He yells angrily. He has a habit of yelling when he's mad...

"That was only because I was drunk, I didn't mean to do it, I swear! I really do love you," she whines.

"I don't care, Hyemi. I broke up with you, and you need to just accept that," he huffs.

"But oppa-"

"I don't want to hear it, Hyemi. Let's go, Jessica," he says, grabbing my wrist, leading me away from the evil Hyemi. I yank my hand away from his grasp. He turns around to face me.

"Are you okay? Sorry about that, Hyemi was always obbsessive," he says.

"I'm fine," I mumble, pushing him away. I start to walk to class.

"You know, you don't have to do what she says. I'll make sure she doesn't hurt you," He says, grabbing onto my wrist again. I yank my wrist away.

"Maybe I'm ignoring you because I want to," I glare before walking away. And thankfully, he doesn't say or do anything as I walk away.

Kris's POV

"Maybe I'm ignoring you because I want to," she says icily before walking away. I stood there astonished. She's been doing that on purpose? I thought maybe after that talk, she would've forgave me.... What happened? I watch her dissapear into the classroom, not even looking back. The Ice Princess is back, that's for sure. It's time to bring back the Ice Prince as well.

Sorry for not updating for like a month! I was just very busy with my HyoKai fanfic, but now that's finished, I can focus on my other books, including this one. So yeah, I'll be updating once a week for each book. I guess this book I'll update every Tuesday ^-^ I'm finally back!

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