c h a p t e r ☆ 27

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Sooyoung's POV

The guys are hanging out over at our dorm for today. I sit on my bed with Chanyeol.

"Soo, this is too confusing," He whines.

"It's honestly not that hard," I sigh.

"It's really is! I swear, I've never learned how to do this," He gives me his best puppy face.

"Well, technically you have to have learned it at some point. You probably weren't listening," I scold.

"Well can you help me?" He asks.

"Ugh, you're lucky I'm a nice person," I say as he beams.

"Here, come closer," I order, patting the spot on my bed that's right next to me.

"Okay, so basically, you take orginal cost and multiply it to the rate of change, which is to the power of t years," I explain the math problem in front of him.

"Please speak in a language I understand," He responds, dumbfounded.

I roll my eyes and take his homework and pencil.

"Look closely; you take this," I say, circling a couple of numbers, "and multiply it by this," I underline another part of the word problem.

"The equation is f(x)= 400 (1.3)^x," I explain.

"Ah, thanks Soo!" He says. I shake my head.

"I'm not always gonna be here, you that right?" I laugh.

"Exactly, so I need to make the most out of what I get to do with you," He smiles. I blush.

"Aw, does Soo find that embarrassing?" He smirks.

"N-no!" I stutter, feeling my cheeks getting hotter.

"It's okay, Soo. Just admit you like me, already," He chuckles.

"Okay, well then, I like you."


Hyoyeon's POV

"I assume you know what you're doing?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Sure enough, I do," He nods.

"So how do you wanna do this?" I cross my arms.

"Like this," He says, walking over to me to put his hands on my hips.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" I exclaim.

"It's part of the skit, trust me, I'm not attracted to you," He reassures me.

I roll my eyes. "Just get your hands off my hips, Kai," I glare.

He takes off his hands from my waist and hold them up in mock surrender.

"I don't want to fail, so let's get on with this already," I mumble.

So, if you're wondering what I'm doing with Kai, it's because of a project. We're in the same dance class and we had a project where we need to perform a dance in front of the class. So my class had 23 people. So, it was planned to have 7 groups of 3 and 1 group of 2.

And guess who the group of 2 was.

So currently, we're trying to figure what to do for our performance. The theme was for there to be some type of love triangle, since there was 3 people. Either 2 boys like 1 girls or 2 girls like the same boy. But in my case, our theme was to be like Romeo and Juliet basically.

I didn't want to do anything too touchy, just enough to the point that we're 'in love'.

He snaps his fingers, bring me back from my daydreaming.

"I know what we should do," He says, a smirk playing on his lips.

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