c h a p t e r ☆ 23

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Hyoyeon's POV

"Hey Yul?" I call out. We were in the practice room.

"Yeah?" She replies.

"Can you help me out? I can't seem to get this dance right," I request, doing the dance move in the mirror trying to figure out my mistake.

"Sorry, Hyo. I'm meeting up with Tao for some History project," She apologizes.


"I'll get Yoona to help you," She offers on her way out.

"Yeah, that's fine," I nod. After she leaves, I turn back towards the mirror. I continue to do the dance move.

"Ugh, why can't I figure this out," I grumble.

"You need to balance better," A voice says from behind. I look at the mirror.

"What are you doing here?" I question.

"Yuri saw on her way out and asked if I could help you," He shrugs.

"She said she was going to get Yoona," I mumble.

"Welp, life doesn't always go as planned," He says matter-of-factly.

"Whatever. You a good dancer?" I raise an eyebrow.

"They do call me the Dancing King," He smiles proudly.

"And they call me the Dancing Queen," I roll my eyes.

"Then why can't you dance this part?" He smirks. I stay silent in reply.

"Just help me," I demand. He walks to behind me.

"Get into the beginning position of the dance move," He orders. I do as he says.

"Okay, now slowly do the dance," He studies as I do as he orders.

"First of all, you need to keep the balance between both sides..."


"Thanks for help," I say before taking a sip from my water bottle.

"It's not problem. You needed it," He shakes his head. I glare at him and he smiles at me in return.

"Whatever," I shake it off. He opens the door for me. I walk out, with him following me close behind.

"You need anymore help with anything?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Then I'll get going now," He says.

I nod. "Thanks again," I wave him off.

"Please, you needed it," He assures me.

I roll my eyes. "Bye, Kai."

He smiles. "Bye, Hyoyeon."

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