c h a p t e r ☆ 39 (last chapter)

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Jessica's POV

I shift under covers and groan.

"Are you awake?"

"Go away," I reply, curling up in the sheets.


"I'm not in the mood to talk," I say sternly.

"Fine, we'll just talk later then," He gives up. I listen as his footsteps retreat and the door open and closes.

I sigh and sit up, leaning against the headboard of the hospital bed.

"Sica!" A voice calls and a crowd of girls rush in. I chuckle.

"Did everybody really come?" I ask.

"Of course! How could we not?" Taeyeon exclaims.

"I'm okay everyone, the doctors say I just have a small flu." I assure them.

"We know, Kris told us," Tiffany says.

I turn sour hearing Kris's name.

"What, did you guys fight again?" Yoona laughs.

"It seems you always get sick when you do," Yuri laughs along.

"It was his fault," I mumble.

"It's always his fault, isn't it?" Hyoyeon laughs. I sigh.

"When can I get out this hospital?" I ask.

"Mm, a couple hours from now, I think?" Taeyeon replies.

"Then let me sleep for the remaining hours, okay?" I say, laying back down.

"Aish, this ice princess always sleep," Sooyoung comments. I smile to myself as I hear their footsteps shuffle out of the room.

I close my eyes and let my brain take me to dreamland.


Kris's POV

"Are you sure you wanna stay here? Jessica seems to be sour with you," Taeyeon says.

I nod. "I know, but I'm the one who put her in this position, so I should be the one to stay."

"Well, okay. The doctors say she can leave around four. Call us if you need any help," She says before walking out with the others.

I slip into Jessica's room, making sure not make much noise. I gently close the door and quietly walk over to the chair next to her bed. I take my seat watch over her as she sleeps.

"Aish, Jung Jessica, I'm falling too deep for you," I sigh, sitting back.

I cross my arms and stare at the ceiling, just thinking.

I hear her sharp inhale of breath after a while and look over and find her stretching. She looks over at me and sits up.

"Where's everyone else?" She asks.

"They went home," I reply.

"When am I getting out here?"

"Around 4."

"Why didn't you leave with everyone else?"

"You have quite a lot of questions, don't you?"

"I'm just curious," She sighs.

"You know you mean a lot to me," I say. She looks over and gives me those eyes.

"I really do. You mean a lot to me," I add.

She sighs and nods. "Gomawo."

"For what?"

"For tolerating my rude behavior from the start. And for taking care of me. And for forgiving when I misunderstood you."

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