c h a p t e r ☆ 14

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Sooyoung's POV

I squeal with excitement. I replay what just happened. Did I really do that? I really did tell him? I'm so proud of myself.

"Do you like him?" A voice interrupts my thoughts. I look up and see Yoona and I instantly blush.

"W-what?" I fumble, looking down at the ground.

"Oh my gosh! You do!" Yoona cries happily, running away to probably tell the others.

"Im Yoona! Get back here," I chase after her. She runs into the living room where the rest of SNSD are. Yoona, don't you da-

"Sooyoung likes Chanyeol, Sooyoung likes Chanyeol!" Yoona sings before I could stop her. Everyone turns to look at us and I can feel myself blushing again.

"You like Chanyeol-ssi, unnie? From EXO?" Seohyun asks.

"Uh, n-no," I stutter. They all laugh.

"You know when you do that, we can tell that you're lying, Soo," Tiffany laughs.

"Looks like our little Soo has grown up," Taeyeon fake sighs, looking in the distance all dramatically before bursting into laughter again.

"Its not that funny," I huff, ploping down the couch.

"Its ok, Soo. I think Tae likes Baek, Yoon like Sehun, Seo like Luhan, Yul likes Tao, Fany likes Suho, Sun like Xiumin, and Sica might be warming up to Kris," Hyoyeon smirks. All the girls stop laughing and glare at Hyo.

"What about you, Hyo?" I ask, smiling evilly.

"W-what do you mean?" She fumbles, turning a light pink.

"Don't you like anyone in EXO?" Yuri catches on.

"Oh, ah a-ani," Hyoyeon replies, looking down.

"Are you sure? What about Kai-ssi?" Yoona teases.

"W-what? No way," Hyoyeon says, blushing even more.

"Uh-huh, yes way," Taeyeon giggles.

"Unnie!" She exclaims, turning so red, she looks like a tomato.

"That's what happens if you pair us all up with EXO," Jessica tisked. In reply, Hyoyeon rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything. Yoona leaves to her bedroom shortly after (where she calls Sehun to tell him what happened).

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