c h a p t e r ☆ 33

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Seohyun's POV

"Seo?" A knock comes upon my door along with a voice.

"Yes?" I reply, indicating the person to come in.

The door opens and I'm met with my smiling boyfriend.

"What is it, Lu?" I ask, putting the down the book I was currently reading.

"Nothing, just wanted to hang with you," He smile shyly, walking into the room.

I smile back, placing the book on my night stand.

"Did you hear about Yoona and Sehun?" I ask as he settles himself on the foot of my bed.

"Yep, Sehun claims I'm the one who brought them together," He laughs.

"Hey, we could on a double date with them one day," I exclaim.

"That sounds fun," He nods.

It was silent for a couple of moments as we just stared at each other. I took in his features. His blonde hair was pushed back at the front, making the rest of his hair look like it was flying everywhere. He was wearing his black sweatshirt that had 'WOLF 88' on the back and a pair of gray sweats. His sleeves were pushed up, exposing his milky-white arms.

"Do you wanna go somewhere?" He asks, breaking the silence.

I look back up at him, and find him smiling. I nod, jumping off the bed. Luhan follows suit. We run down the stairs together, saying a quick goodbye to the rest of the group. It was warm enough not to wear a coat, so we headed straight out.

"So, where do you wanna go?" He asks once we're outside.

"Let's just walk around," I shrug.

"The park is around here," He replies, looking around.

"Let's walk there then," I reply, pulling him along with me.

He chuckles and keeps the same pace as me. We walked in the quiet setting, hand in hand, peacefully without a word. It seemed like Luhan knew the way, so I let him lead me. The park was a special place for the both of us.

I thought about all the things that happened this week. Such a coincidence that 3 out of 9 EXOSHIDAE couples got together. Well, technically Luhan and I were dating for about 3 weeks now. I still remember the day like it was yesterday.


"Still reading that book, Seo?" Yoona's voice interrupts my reading. I look up at shyly smile.

"It's become one of my favorites," I shrug.

"Well, don't stick your nose in that book all day," She replies before walking away.

I avert my attention back to my book, continuing to read. I was on my 15th chapter when I got interrupted again.


It wasn't Yoona this time. Instead, it was a soft, smooth male voice. I look up from my book once more and am surprised at what I see. His curly blonde locks were resting on his head messily, covering his eyes a bit.

"L-Luhan," I stutter.

"Hey, are you busy?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck, a universal sign that a boy is nervous. But why is he nervous?

"No, not at all," I shake my head.

"Then can I take you somewhere?" He questions. I glance over at the clock on the wall.

3:42 PM

"Sure, why not?" I smile, placing down my book on the coffee table.

I stand up and walk over to him. "Where do you wanna go?" I ask.

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