c h a p t e r ☆ 20

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Jessica's POV

After sitting for quite a while, I got up and decided to go to class early. Ugh, I have a huge headache? I rub my head as I walk to my class. My eyes feel droopy and I have a gigantic headache. It's probably just from all this stress.

I make it to my class and sit down at my assigned seat. I lay my head down my desk, facing away from the door. I close my eyes and slowly... drift.. to..sleeeep.

Kris's POV

So, seems like Jessica is still mad at me. How was I supposed to know her parents died? I scratch the back of my head.

"Alright there, Hyung?" Suho asks.

"Yeah, just thinking," I assure him.

"About Jessica?" He smirks.

"No," I mumble, looking away.

"Mhmm, sure," he laughs. I roll my eyes.


"Mm, time to go," Suho says. I walk over to the trash can and throw away my leftover food.

"See ya guys," I say, walking away.

"Try and make up with Jessica, yeah?" Suho calls out. I roll my eyes again. I just continues to walk to my class.

"Yah! Wu Yifan!" A high voice calls. I turn around.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, jagiya~ please forgive me, ung?" She begs.

"How man-" I stop myself. Maybe if I 'date' her, Jessica will notice me?

I sigh. "Just this once." Her eyes light up.

"Jinjja? Oh, thank you so much, oppa! Oppa saranghae!" She cheers.

"Mhmm, yeah, yeah," I say, looking away.

"I'll walk you to your class, jagiya," she smiles, latching herself onto my arm.

"Mm, okay," I reply, hesitantly. We walk through the halls to my class. I stop at the door.

"You can go now," I say.

"Do I have to?" She pouts. I'm already getting sick if her.

"Yes! Now, go!" I yell. She jumps.

"Oh, ah, arraseo..." She shrinks back.

"Just go, okay?" I huff, walking into class, not even waiting for her answer.

Why did I agree to this? Because of...Jessica. I walk over to my assigned seat, which is right next to Jessica. Her head is laid down on the desk, facing the wall.

"Hey, listen Sica." I begin.

"I'm sorry for being such a jerk. I shouldn't have lashed out on you like that. I didn't know about your... parents. I made a mistake, and I'm extremely sorry, can you please forgive me?"

No answer.

"Sica, did you hear me?" I ask, raising my tone. Still no answer.

"When are you going to stop ignoring me?" I growl. No answer.

"Jessica!" I yell, shaking her.

"Haj-hajima. My head hurt," she groans, her eyes still closed. I feel her cheek and her forehead. She's burning up.

"Aish, you idiot," I roll my eyes.

I get up and pick her up bridal style and carry her out of the room. I run through the halls to get to the nurse's office. I look at her. Her face is pale and her small lips are curled into a frown. She shivers. I shake my head. Better hurry, Kris.

I finally find the nurse's office, but the nurse isn't there. I go in anyways and lay her down on one of the beds. She still shivers, so I take of my jacket at cover her with it. I sit at the foot of the bed as I wait for the nurse to arrive.

"Why did you do that?" Her small voice croaks. Her eyes still closed.

"Do what?" I reply softly.

"Why did you bring me here? After I kept ignoring you?"



"Because... I like you."

Her small lips curl into a small smile.

"I think I like you too."

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