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hey guys! long time no see! i have a huge favor to ask, and i'm not gonna force anyone to do it, but it would mean so much to me if you did;

so, i would really like to go to kcon. me and my friend have set up a gofundme page, which is linked in my bio. we are trying to raise money that will be enough to cover the tickets, transportation, housing, and food for the both of us plus an adult. i would really appreciate it if you guys could help me at all! it doesn't matter how much you give, anything will help! the link is my bio!

i would really love to experience a kpop concert for the first time and this is a great opportunity for me to witness multiple ones. it is a large price goal, but i don't mind if we don't reach the full goal, but i still wanted to just reach out because i could really use the help.

if you click the link, you will be brought to our gofundme page. you can read what we hope to reach and why we have made the gofundme. i don't care if you donate 1 dollar or 100 dollars, i appreciate all the support i can recieve.

thank you for reading this and if you do plan to help support me, thank you as well. i wouldn't have asked you all if i wasn't desperate.

i love you all and i hope you have a great day❤


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