c h a p t e r ☆ 19

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Sooyoung's POV



"I didn't expect you to come," he smiles shyly.

"I was debating on it a bit," I fake smile back.

"So will you accept my love?" He nervously smiles.

"Look Key, um, there's no easy way to put this, but-"

"Sooyoung? What are you doing here?" A familiar voice says from behind. Key scowls.

"This is kind of personal, Chanyeol," Key states. I turn around. I feel relaxed to see Chanyeol.

"Jinjja? Mian, but Sooyoung promised me she would eat lunch with me today," Channyeol replies.

"Is that true?" Key asks, looking at me.

"Huh? Oh, yeah," I nod.

"Well, can you at least answer my question before you leave?" He asks again.

"Oh right, about that." I look down. "I'm sorry, Key, but I like someone else."

"Oh, I see. Well, if you ever change your mind, I'll be around." He says before leaving. I walk over to Chanyeol.

"What was that about?" He asks.

I shake my head. "It's nothing."

"Well, shall we go on our lunch date?" He holds out his hand.


"Okay, I lied. We can eat with the others if you want," He says, still holding out his hand. I take it.

"Is that a yes?"

"We already ate." I reply.

"Well, let's go back to the cafeteria then. We can just talk," He says. I nod and follow him to the cafeteria, holding hands.

We walk around until we find the EXOSHIDAE table. We sit down with EXO on one side and SNSD on the other. Chanyeol sits across from me.

"I thought you were going to the garden?" Taeyeon asks.

"Oh, I did. I just had to clear my mind for a few minutes," I reply.

"And I thought you had to do some cleaning with Kai," Suho says.

"I finished early and I bumped into Soo on the way back." He explains.

"So... why were you guys holding hands?" Sehun asks, smirking. I can feel the blush creeping onto ny cheeks.

"What? Is it illegal to hold hands?" Chanyeol replies.

"Well, no. But are you guys dating or something?"

"No." I simply reply.

"Friends can hold hands." Chanyeol shrugs.

"Yeah right." Sehun scoffs. Chanyeol just rolls his eyes. I guess we'll just stay friends. •~•

Hey, this is a shortie chapter! Sorry! Had a lot on my mind and started writing this at the last minutes. Oops. Hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment, I would appreciate it!! Thanks!
Have a good day!!

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