c h a p t e r ☆ 38

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Jessica's POV

I sat against the cold brick wall, tears streaming down my face.

Why did I trust him?

I should've learned the first time.

[Earlier That Day]

Ice Prince: Hey can we hang?

Me: Oh sure

Ice Prince: I'll be waiting by the door

Me: K I'll be coming down

I change out of my sweats into a blue flannel and some black leggings and headed downstairs after grabbing Tiffany's clutch. His face lightens up as he sees me.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod and we leave the dorm.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we enter the car.

"This café that I love," He replies, starting the car. I nod, and sit back in my seat.

We arrive there shortly and I unbuckle my seat belt and follow him inside.

"Wu Yi-Fan!" A voice calls out from behind the counter.

"Oh? Eun-Kyung?" He looks surprised.

A small girl emerges from the back with a smile. She runs towards Kris and hugs him. I'll admit there was a twinge of jealousy in me.

"Oh, Sica, this was one of my childhood friends," He says after they embrace.

"Oh." Is all I reply.

"So, what can I get you guys?" She asks. We order and sit down.

"So, how long have you guys known each other?" I ask.

"Hm, I think since we were 6? Yeah, that seems about right," He answers.

"Leave it to Yi-Fan to forget when we first met," Eun-Kyung enters our conversation. She takes a seat next to Kris. "We were 7."

"Oh," I nod. I glance back towards the counter.

"Are you sure? I think we were 6," He ponders.

"Oppa, we were 7, do you not remember? I had just had my 7th birthday party and I was bragging to you about it and then you pushed me into the sandbox," She explains.

"Ohh yeah, I remember now. And then you threw my ice cream into the road," He recalls.

"Aigoo, do you remember now?" She ruffles his hair.

"Yah, hajima," He laughs, swatting away her hand away.

"I'm just go to the bathroom really quickly," I announce, standing up. They continue talking as I leave for the bathroom.

"Did he just completely forget that I'm there?" I mumble under my breath.

I push the open the bathroom door and walk over to the sink. I look at my reflection in the mirror before washing my face with cool water.

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