c h a p t e r ☆ 21

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Taeyeon's POV

"Is it hard being a leader?" He asks as we walk to class.

"Of course. Why don't you ask your leader about it?" I reply. He shrugs in reply.

"It's not hard all the time, you know there your other member to help you, but it is hard," I explain.

"I see," He nods.

"Why? You wanna become a leader?" I tease.

"Ani, just seeing how hard it is for Suho," He defends, cooly.

"Aw, aren't you such a good dongsaeng~" I coo, messing up his hair.

"Ah! Hajima!" He whacks my hand away. We laugh together. We get to our class and he opens up the door for me.

"Kamsa~" I thank him before heading in. He follows me in the class and we sit in our assigned seats, which are near each other. I continue to talk him until the teacher comes in and quiets us down. Maybe being stuck with him isn't so bad all the time...

Chanyeol's POV

"Hey Ki-Bum," I call.

"Oh please, call me Key," He corrects me. I nod.

"Thanks for helping me with Sooyoung," I say.

"No problem. You know I'm here for you. Plus, I ship you two," He smirks.

"Aish, hyung," I whine.

He chuckles, "Anything else you need help with?"

I shake my head. "I tell you if I need any more help with Soo."

"Arraseo, see you around," He nods before leaving.

"Bye!" I say. I make my way towards my class and sit in my seat next to Sooyoung.

"Where have you been?" She asks, curiously.

"Talking to a friend. Weh?" I reply.

"Ani, I was just wondering," She stumbles.

"Worried about me, Soo?" I smirk.

"A-as if!" She defends.

"Sure, sure," I tease.

"Aish, fine I was a just a tiny bit worried," She admits.

"Aw, that makes me feel so loved," I place my hands over my heart.

"Welp, I'm not worrying about you anymore," She rolls her eyes. I just laugh at her actions.

"Attention class!" The teacher calls. "Take a out a piece of paper and a pencil."

"Hey, Sooyoung," I whisper.

"What?" She whispers back.

"Can I have a piece of paper?" I ask. She rolls her eyes.

"So unprepared," She tsks, handing me a piece of paper.

"Park Chanyeol! Choi Sooyoung! If you could stop flirting for 5 minutes and pay attention to my class, it would be greatly appreciated," Ms. Ji glares ,while the rest of the class snickers. And to make matters worse, SeYoon is in our class. Soo's face turns bubblegum pink, and I'm sure I'm a tomato.

"Jwesonghabnida," Sooyoung apologizes, while Sehun smirks at me.

Ms. Ji continues on with the lesson, so I can finally breathe as the class turns their attention back to her. I glance over at Sooyoung and she's still pink, but it's slowly fading.

"Thanks for getting me trouble, Yeol," She mumbles.

"No problem, Soo," I reply. I see her lips curl into a slight smile and sigh with relief. She's not mad at me.

Ayyyyyyyyyy! I'm extremely sorry! I meant to take just a small hiatus, but while I was on that hiatus, I lost my phone. -_- Yup. So that's why I haven't updated. I've also composed a schedule for updating. For each story, it's only once a week, and for this story, it's every Monday, or at least I'll try to update every Monday. And for any of you who read other stories by me, this is the schedule;

Monday- Nice Angels and Cold Wolves (EXOSHIDAE)

Tuesday- Royal Ices Meet (KrisSica)

Wednesday- Battle Of Idols (EXOSHIDAE)

Thursday- Cousin In Exo? (EXO FanFic)

Friday- How To Handle A Jerk (SeYoon)

Saturday- (BlossIck)

Sunday- Dance King and Queen Meet (HyoKai)

If I don't update to date, it's probably because of dreaded school. Apparently in 7th grade, you have to do high school math and a 5 month long history project if you're in GT. Yeah so, Bye! (Help me!)

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