c h a p t e r ☆ 7

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A/N: everyone else was basically the same. The boys talk to the girls, they say they're not the same as others, go to class, introduce themselves, sit near their partner/group. Now after a few classes, its time for lunch.

Taeyeon's POV

Seohyun and I were walking and talking to lunch when we heard screaming.

"Watch where you're going!" It sounds like Kris.

"I was watching where I was going. Why don't you watch where you're going!" I can tell the other person is Jessica. Oh gosh, hopefully Jessica won't claw out his eyeballs or something.

"I was watching where I was going!" He yells back.

"Oh really?! If you really were, then you wouldn't have bumped into me!" She screams back. Better get over there before things get uh-guh-lee(ugly). I walk over to where the drama is happening.

"How come if you were watching where you were going, you still bumped into me too?! Huh?!" He yells back.

"Jessica! Let's go," I quickly yell at Sica.

"Yeah Jessica, just go run off from your problems because you know I'm right," Kris scoffs before leaving. I look at Jessica. She's crying.

"Jessica! Are you alright?" I quickly rush over to her, Seohyun following. I catch her because she was falling.

"I-I-I just never heard people talk to me like that. He doesn't know what I've been through. What we've been through," she replies, still sobbing. I knew what she was talking about.


"Umma! Appa!" I hear Jessica's shrieks through the house. It sounds like she's crying. I rush upstairs. I gasp at what I see.

Our parents. On the ground. Dead.

They have knives stabbed in their chests. Jessica is on her knees, crying with something in her hands. I kneel down next to Jessica. I take the piece of paper that was in her hands. It says;

Dear SNSD,

So terribly sorry about your parents. Not! They should have never messed with me and my boys. They deserved it. They were cold hearted towards us. They didn't know what was going on in my life, yet they still act rude. Don't take after them, or you better watch your backs.


~End of FlashBack~


Ooooh, who do you think the note is from???? And I know its kinda weird how Kris reminds Jessica about the incident, but I wanted to make something tragic happen in this story, so I included that so ya. Hope you enjoyed! Kamsahamnida!



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