c h a p t e r ☆ 35

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Taeyeon's POV

"I tried this already, but, will you go out with me?"

"What did you say?" I ask, my mouth agape.

"Will you go out with me?" He repeats.

I looked at Baekhyun, not really sure what to say. I mean, Baek, who wouldn't want to date him? I'm sure there are girls everywhere who would love to date him, yet he chooses me? I hope my decision doesn't hurt out friendship.

"Taeyeon?" His soft voice interrupts my thoughts.

I give him a smile. "I think I can give it a try."

He smiles back. This could work, right? He moves over at gives me a short peck on the cheek.

"Thanks for giving me a chance."


Sunny's POV

"Wow, the weather is so nice," I sigh as I collapse on the park bench.

"Yeah, we came at a perfect time," Xiumin agrees, settling down next to me.

"Wow, daebak! Look at the sunset," I point over at the setting sun. He chuckles at my reactions and stands up.

"I'll be right back," He says. I nod, gazing at the beautiful sunset.

I decide to take a picture, so I could later post in on Instagram. I was taking a few shots when I felt a wet substance. I quickly turn around to see Xiumin holding a small water gun with a big smile on his face.

"Umin!" I whine but laugh after. He tosses me another water gun and we begin to have a showdown. 

It was like the other day, where all of EXOSHIDAE was playing outside with the water hose and sprinkler. I shriek a stream of water hits my stomach. I squirt my water at his face, but end up hitting his hair instead. I grumble at my bad aim, but continue to shoot him.

After about 10 minutes, our tiny water guns ran out of water. We collapsed on the grass tiredly. I didn't mind having the itchy grass poking at my back and instead, I laid next to Xiumin and watch as darkness takes over the sky and stars become viewable.

"Hey look! It's the big dipper," He points out, breathing heavily from our chase around the park.

"Hm, really? It looks more like a elephant to me," I laugh. He laughs along with me.

Man, his laugh is really cute. I think I'm falling for him even more that I thought I was. Unknowingly, I intwined my fingers with his. It wasn't until he flinched that I noticed.

"Oh, uh, sorry," I apologize. I proceed to take my hand away, but he grips a bit tighter.

"No, it's, uhm, fine," He says. I blush a little and look back at the stars.

"Hey Sunny?"

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Do you think we should date?"

I'm left in shock and too speechless to reply. I turn my head to look at him and him already looking at me. I give a small smile.

"I mean, it would sound alright," I play it off cool.

"Then, would you like to date me?" He grins. My smile grew bigger.

"Of course!" I squeal, tackling with him with a hug. I gave him a small peck on the nose.

He chuckled and I rolled off him and we watched the stars together, hands entwined.


Enjoy :)


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