c h a p t e r ☆ 5

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(Keep Calm and Yehet)

Yoona's POV

Sehun and I exit the office and he starts to walk off. I quickly catch up and walk besides him. Its really awkward because we're being very quiet with each other.

"So what school did you trasfer from?" He asks, breaking the silence.

"SMTOWN," I simply reply. He makes a face.

"What?" I ask.

"That school always tries to copy us. When we go to competitions, they're always there and they try to look like us. They say the kids that transfer from there to here are their trash," he explains.

"What? Really?" I couldn't believe it. He nods. I shake my head.

"I know. It hurts to know the truth," he fake sypathetically says. I roll my eyes.

"Let's just go to class," I say.

"Kay, follow me then," he says before running off. What is he doing?!

"Yah Sehun-ah! Where'd ya go?" I yell. I yell out his name. Great how am I supposed to find my to English class now?! I become startled when I someone jumps on me.

"Boo!" I can tell its Sehun.

"Yah Sehun-ah! That is no way to treat a girl!" I scold him, as I slightly hit his arm. He laughs.

"Bahlee kaja!" I whine.

"Arraso," he replies. And we both leave. We get to the classroom and Sehun sits down, and I introduce myself to the teacher.

"Annyeong. Nega Im Yoona imnida," I kindly say to the teacher.

"Oh! You must be one of the new transfer students! I'm Mrs. Lee. You can sit over by the window. Right behind that boy," she points at Sehun. I nod, bow, then go to sit down.

"Sehun-ah," I whisper.

"Why are you whispering? Class hasn't started yet, so we can talk," he says.

"Whatever," I reply.

"What did you want?" He asks.

"Why is your hair so many colors? Its like the rainbow!" I ask. He rolls his eyes.

"Is that really important?" He asks. I nod vigoursly.

"Because, I'm creative and I love my colorful hair. Gives me style," he explains. Lawl. He turns back around.

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