c h a p t e r ☆ 10

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Jessica's POV

I groggily open my eyes to the sun shining in my face. I groan.

"Jessica! Wake up! Get ready for school!" Taeyeon yelles. I groan back, showing her I was awake. I get up and do as she says. I come downstairs and see I'm the last one down, not like it suprised me. I prepare a bowl of cereal and eat it in 5 minutes. Then I go to where the rest of my sisters are and sit down on a couch next to Tiffany.

"So what are we doing?" I ask.

"I dunno. Hyo and Yuri are playing MarioCart right now, so," Tiffany shruggs. I look over and see Hyo and Yul playing MarioCart. Isn't Hyo affected by this whole thing too? Maybe she can get over it quicker.

"Don't we have school today?" I ask.

"Yup, but it doesn't start until 30 minutes from now," Taeyeon replies bluntly. I nod. I decide to go on my phone and check out insta. I scroll down the feed post and don't see anything interesting really.

~20 minutes later~

"Come on girls, school starts in ten minutes, so we better start walking now," Taeyeon stands up. Everyone else follows and we all split up into 3 groups to walk to school together. TaeTiSeo, HyoYulYoon, and SunSooSica.

"So Jessica, are you fine now? Are you sure you don't have to stay home?" Sooyoung asks, breaking the silence.

"I'm fine, really. I would tell you guys if I really wanted to stay home," I reassure her.

"Ok, but what will you do when you see, him?" Sunny asks.

I shrug. "I don't know, I guess I'll ignore him," I reply.

"But isn't he in all of your classes?" Sooyoung questions again. I nod.

"Guess I'll have to try really hard," I sigh. It sort of signals them to be quiet and stop asking me questions. Once we all get to school, we split up and go to our classes. I head over to science class and sit in my seat. Kris isn't here yet, thank goodness, but he sits behind me. I take out one of my books and pretend to read so no one will bother me. I wonder what happened that day. I want to know what happened that day. I want, I want to know if there was something I could've done. I want-

"Did you not hear me?! I said sorry, I know I was being a jerk and all, but I'm sorry! Are you even listening to me?" Kris's voice booms behind me. I lift my head from my book. I stand up and

walk out the door, completely ignoring Kris. I hear footsteps after me. I quickly try to run into another hallway but someone grabs my wrist. Kris.

"Did you not hear me, Sica? I said I was sorry," he fumes, still holding onto my wrist. I look at the ground.

"Sica! Did you hear me?! I said sorry!" He yells, pushing me against the wall.

"I heard you, you big egostical, selfish, jerk!" I push back.

"Then why are you ignoring me?!" He yell/questions.

"Because 'sorry' won't bring back my parents!" I quickly push harder and get out of Kris's grip. I run as fast as I can to the garden in our school with tears streaming down my face. Yes our school has a garden, yes I know where it is, but that's not the point right now! I sit down on one of the benches and put my head in my hands and quietly sob.

"Sica?" I hear a voice. I look up.

"Tae!" I croak. She quickly walks over to me and hugs me.

"Kris again?" She asks. I nod. She releases the hug. She looks mad.

"That jerk, hold on Sica," she fumes. I few minutes later, Hyoyeon comes to the garden.

"Omo! Sica unnie? Are you alright?" She asks, rushing to my side. I nod.

"Stay here with Jessica. I have business to take care of," Taeyeon stands up. She starts to walk to the exit of the garden.

"Taeyeon unnie!" I croak out once more. She turns around with a surprised look on her face.

"Ne?" She replies.

"Don't," I pause, "don't hurt him," I reply, before turning back to Hyo. I can see her nod out of the corner of my eye.

Taeyeon's POV

Where is that egotistical, stupid, selfish, heartless, cold jerk?! I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind! I find him in class, laughing with one of his friends. How dare he!? He makes Jessica cry and doesn't care about how she is! Oh, I'll show him! I walk into the classroom.

"Annyeonghaesayo Mr. Oh. Sorry to interupt, but the front office would like to see Kris Wu," I smile at the teacher.

"Oh, Taeyeon! Since when did you work for the office?" He replies shocked.

"Oh, I wanted to try it out, so I signed up yesterday," I quickly lie.

"Oh, I see. Well good for you! Kris! Get up here, the office wants you!" He yells at Kris. Kris nods and says bye to his friends before getting up and coming up.

"What does the office want?" He ask. Mr. Oh just shrugs and points at me.

"Follow me to the office, they just want to talk about basketball with you," I quickly lie again. He nods and follows me out the classroom. Once we're far enough away, I blow up at him.

"How dare you make Sica cry again! Do you know what she's been through!" I yell at him. It makes him suprised.

"Right now, she's crying her eyes out! You made her cry yesterday, which made her depressed! Now, you made her cry again, what do you think the outcome is gonna be?! You should be shameful! Sica has been through many things!" I scold.

"I-I-I was just-" he quickly tries to reply.

"You just what? Was provoking her? Making fun of her? You were what, huh?" I ask, angrily.

"I was saying sorry! I knew what I did was wrong and wanted to apologize!" He yells back. Now it was my turn to be suprised.

"I didn't mean to make her cry, she was just ignoring me. I wanted to know her reply and all she said was that I was a jerk and that sorry wouldn't bring back her parents or something," he explains. Oh no, Sica. I quickly turn around and start running back to Jessica. I make it back to the garden.

"Jessica, what happened when Kris tried to talk to you?" I ask, ignoring the fact that Yoona had come too.

"I just tried to ignore him, but that obviously didn't work," she croaks. Oh poor Sica.

"What did he do?" I ask again.

"Well, I tried to escape, but he followed me and grabbed me and pushed me against the wall, raging at me," she explains. I look at her wrist. They were red.

"Did he grab you by your wrist?" Hyoyeon asks. I guess she noticed Jessica's red wrist. Sica nods.

"Jessica?" A husky voice says from the entrance. Kris. I quickly turn around. I was right. Jessica looks at the ground.

"Look Jessica, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened with your parents, but I can tell it was hard. I'm sorry I don't what you went through," he apologizes. Aw, he's so cute! I look over at Jessica. She's blushing, but she has tears in her eyes that look like they are threatning to fall.

"I think you should go Kris," I walk over to him.

"What? Why?" He asks.

I lower my voice to a whisper. "Sica seems like she's about to cry again," I reply. He nods.

"Like I said, I'm sorry. I truly am. Trust me," he says before walking out.


Heyyyyy. How'd you like this chappy? It was kinda sappy, like what they would show in dramas, but wasn't so totally adorable?

Who knew that the cool city guy Kris could be such a sweetheart? (Note the sarcasm) Anyways, EXO and SNSD, fighting!



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