c h a p t e r ☆ 8

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Taeyeon's POV

Jessica was the one who was affected the most of our parents death. Its the reason why she acts so cold to everyone. From then on, we vowed to be nice to everyone we met because you never know what's going on in their lives. Just like the note says. A tear strolls down my face and so does Seohyun. We make our way to where the rest of our sisters are sitting and tell them the story. They start to cry as well. We quietly sob because we don't want to make people notice us.

Hyoyeon's POV

Now its time for recess. I'm still crying about the whole 'incident'. Even though Jessica was the one most affected, it doesn't mean we weren't affected a lot by it too. I secondly was affected the most. I loved our parents. They would do everything to make us happy. They would go out of their way to make us happy. I need time by myself, so I go sit under a tree and put my head in my hands. I curl up my legs, so I'm like in a ball sort of shape.

"Umma, Appa, I miss you so much," I quietly sob to myself.

"Hey are you ok?" I hear a voice next to me. I look up.

"What do you want?" I snap.

"Well, um, I just saw you, um, and wanted to make sure you were, um, ok?" He replies.

"I-I'm fine. I just need time by myself," I reply shakily. Tears are threatning to fall out of my eyes again.

"You don't look ok," he replies, reaching out his hand.

"Listen Kai, I just met you ok? Its best to leave me alone," I snap again. He listens to me and leaves. I rest my head back in my hands.

Kai's POV

Yes! Its finally recess! Time to relax! I go over to my favorite tree to relax when I realize that there is someone already there. It looks like Hyoyeon. Is she crying? I walk over to her.

"Are you ok?" I ask her. She looks up at me. Her sad face turns into a cold glare.

"What do you want?" She replies coldly, wiping her tears. Ouch.

"Well, um, I just saw you, um, and wanted to make sure you were, um fine?" I reply. She softens a little.

"I-I'm fine.I just need time by myself," she replies a little less confident. She looks like she's gonna start bursting into tears again.

"You don't look ok," I reply, offering my hand to help her. Her cold glare returns.

"Listen Kai, I just met you, ok? Its best to leave me alone," she snaps. Woah, what did I do? I decide to leave her alone, and walk away, but I can still hear her sobs. What's her problem?


For the rest of the day, the girls acted miserable and the guys were wondering what happened.

Wow, almost at the 100 reads mark! That makes me feel good about my writing! Sorry for the shorty chapter! Mianhae, jeongmal mianhae. I just didn't really have anymore ideas. Kamsahaminda for reading.



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