c h a p t e r ☆ 15

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Yoona's POV

I had to let Chanyeol know that Sooyoung likes him, so I decide to call Sehun. Plus it gives me an excuse to talk to him. I grab my phone and go to Sehun's contact and press the call button.

"Yeobeosayo?" Sehun deep voice say once he picks up.

"Sehun-ssi!" I chime, "Its Yoona."

"Oh, hey Yoona," he says.

"Hey, wanna hear a secret?" I smile evily, though he can't see me.


"Sooyoung likes Chanyeol!" I squeal.

"As in your Soo and our Yeol?" He asks in disbelief.

"Yup, aren't they really cute?" I sigh dreamily.

"How do you know?" He asks.

"I saw them outside our dorm and they were talking and Soo rushed inside suddenly before smiling. Then, she squealed," I explain.

"Aw, how cute," he coos.

"I know, right. I wish I could have something like that in the future..." I trail off. No, I wish I could have something with you, Sehunnie. Yoona! What are you saying?! You can't like Sehun, can you?

"Yeah, me too," he agrees. I can feel myself blushing as I thought we could be a couple in the future.

"Thanks for the blackmail information, Yoongie," he says. OMO, did he just call me Yoongie? Stop making me fall for you, Oh Sehun!

"No problem, Sehunnie," I reply.

"I gotta go practice, but I'll text you later, kay?" He asks.

"Mmhmm, see ya!" I say before hanging up.

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