c h a p t e r ☆ 28

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Yoona's POV (Ignore my fugly face but 1K votes and almost 20,000 reads omf tysm)

"I'm bored," He groans.

"That's great," I mumble as I solved the math equation in front of me.

"I'm booooooorrrreed," He repeats.

"And I'm trying to do my homework, you do know we have a test next week, right?" I ask.

"Eh, I'll wing it. I'm smart enough," He shrugs. I roll my eyes and shake my head before returning to the homework.

"Yoongie, I'm bored, " He says once more.

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" I slam the pencil onto the desk.

Amusement runs through his eyes, as if he purposely was trying to annoy me.

"Talk to me."


"Why not?" He whines.

"Because I have homework to do."

"Then I'll do mine with you, we are in the same classes."

"Whatever you want, Sehun," I roll my eyes before picking up my pencil again.

He gets his homework out of his backpack and sits down next to me.

"Can I copy your answers?" He asks, looking over at my paper.

"No!" I exclaim, covering the paper with my arm.

"Please? Pretty please? With a cherry on top? Please, Yoongie?" He pouts, sticking out his bottom lip, with very sad eyes.

Curse you, Oh Sehun.

"Fine," I groan, removing my arm. His eyes brighten up as he leans over to examine my answers.

"Thanks, Yoona," He smiles as his pencil goes to work on his paper. I roll my eyes and continue working on the problems I haven't done yet.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Well, that was fun!" Sehun cheers as I close my science textbook.

"As in fun, you mean I did all the work and you just copied, then yeah, totally fun," I reply in a flat tone.

"Why is Yoona so grumpy today?" He huffs, crossing him arms.

"Maybe it's because of you," I mumble.

"Oh, c'mon, I'm sure you secretly like me," He teases.

I scrunch up my nose. "As if!" I laugh.

"Denying you're love for me doesn't help yourself," He sings. I shake my head as I continue to laugh.

"Stop laughing! Or else..." He threatens.

"Or else what?" I provoke, standing up to seem menacing. He stands up as well, and since he's way taller than me, he makes me feel very small.

"You don't want to know," He smirks. I gulp before folding my arms and stable my stance.

"Try me."

He shrugs before moving his arms to my arms and starts tickling me.

"Oh my gawd," I gasp out as I flop onto my bed as he continues to tickle me.

"Stop, Sehun," I wheeze out between giggles as his fingers continue to tickle my sides.

"You asked for it," He smirks.

"I...can't...breath," I gasp out, my giggles get louder.

"Hey, are you guys oka-uhm," I hear my bedroom door open and immediately Sehun jumps away from me and sit up quickly.

"What were you guys doing?" Chanyeol asks, while Sooyoung stands there trying to stifle a laugh.

"He was tickling me!" I accuse as I point my finger at Sehun.

"Why were you tickling Yoona, Sehun?" Chanyeol raises an eyebrow.

"Because she was ticking me off. I warned her, I swear," He holds up his hands in mock surrender.

"We should've recorded that, why did you interrupt?" Sooyoung laughs, hitting Chanyeol's arm.

They leave, laughing and teasing each other, like always, leaving Sehun and I red-faced.

"So, what do you want to do?"

Is it just me, or have I not realized that my book has almost reached 20k reads and 1k votes? Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming... Anyhow, I actually updated early! Which is very rare, but hey you saw some SeYoon action. And let me just say something, SeYoon is a couple that I ship. You don't have to ship it, but if you could please let me write my story my way, I would be gladly appreciated. Same with other couples.

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