c h a p t e r ☆ 18

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Sooyoung's POV

Alright, now it's lunch time... Time to see who wrote that note. Crossing my fingers for Chanyeol. I stop at my locker and throw my books into my locker. I check my makeup up in this tiny mirror I placed in there. I fix my hair and close my locker, seeing Chanyeol's face.

"Omo, you nearly scared me, Chan," I gasp.

"That was the point, Soo," he laughs.

"Yah, that's not funny," I pout.

"Well, it's not when you're being all cute," he says. I blush.

"Why are you here anyways?" I ask.

"I wanted to walk to lunch together," he smiles.

"Weh? Do you like me?" I ask, poking him.

"Believe what you want," he rolls his eyes. "I'm just doing you a mere favor as a friend."

"'As a friend' yeah right," I mumble.

"What was that?" He asks.

"Nothing," I quickly reply.

"Yeah right," he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever, 'believe what you want'," I say, mimicking him.

"Let's just go and get some food. I'm starving and you're a shikskin, so kaja!" He says, grabbing my wrist before taking off.

We arrive at the cafeteria and get are food. Pizza for Chanyeol and pasta for me. We sit down with the rest of EXO and SNSD. We sit across from each other, EXO on one side, and SNSD on the other. In the middle of lunch, Chanyeol gets a 'text'.

"Sorry, Soo. I gotta go help clean up with Kai. We got in trouble," he apologizes.

"Arraseo. Try not get in trouble next time. Have fun cleaning," I reply.

"Wanna come with me?" He asks.

"Me? Why would I? As if!" I scoff.

"Arraseo, Arraseo, no need to be so harsh, Soo," he ruffles my hair.

"Yah! Stop ruining my hair!" I shriek.

"Aigoo~ you should know the world doesn't revolve around your hair," he tisks.

"Na bbun nohm," I mumble.

"What was that?"


"Whatever. Gotta go, I'll text you later," he says, leaving. I wait about a minutes after he leaves before standing up.

"Where are you going, Sooyoung?" Taeyeon asks.

"To the garden," I reply.


"I need to think and clear my mind," I reply.

"Alright. Don't be late for class," she replies.

"Arraseo. Going now, bye," I wave before leaving.

'This must be Chanyeol, right? Well, hopefully, but I'm sure this is Chanyeol. I like Chanyeol and he knows that, so it must be him?'

I reach the door to the garden and think a little before I open the door. Whew, I'm about to do this. I'm about to see who confessed to me, which is Chanyeol. I'm about to accept Chanyeol's love. I turn the knob and open the door. I gasp at who I see.



Jessica's POV

I sat next Tiffany and Yuri, across from Kris, Suho, and Tao. I looked down as I was eating my salad. I guess Kris was doing the same.

"What, did you guys fight again?" Tiffany speaks. I lift my head up and see she's looking at me and Kris.

"I guess you could say that," Kris mumbles.

"Aigoo, you guys act like on-again-off-again couple," Yuri says. I glare at her.

"You guys can't go one day without getting into a big fight, can you?" Tiffany asks.

"Guess not," Kris replies, still looking down.

"You can't even look at each other," Suho shakes his head.

"I would I want to? It's the face that makes me angry everytime I see it," I mumble. I feel Kris's glare on me. I feel everyone's gaze upon me.

"I'm not hungry anymore. You can have the rest of my salad, Yul," I say, standing up.

"Where are you going, Sica?" Taeyeon asks.

"Someplace away here," I reply, looking at Kris, who's staring straight back at me.

"Don't worry, I'll be in class," I add before taking off.

I go to the back of the school and sit down against this gigantic tree. I close my eyes. Ugh, why is life so frustrating?

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