c h a p t e r ☆ 31

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Sooyoung's POV

I stood in front of the whole EXOSHIDAE, holding hands with Chanyeol, my cheeks tinted with pink.

"Sooyoung and I are...official," Chanyeol says, breaking the awkward silence, glancing at me.

The room stays silent for a bit until sound bursts out from everyone.

"Omo, jinjja?"

"You guys are so cute together!"

"Called it."

"Pretty obvious they would end up together."

I roll my eyes at the last comment, but let a smile form on my face. At least they don't disapprove.

Yoona comes bouncing up next to me and attacks me with a hug.

"I'm so happy for you, Soo," She smiles.

"Thanks, Yoona. I'll be happy too, once you and Sehun get together," I smile back.

Her smile grows slightly bigger and she blushes. "Yah! I don't like Sehun," She protests.

"Mhm, keep denying yourself, Yoona," I chuckle. I can tell when she's lying.

She rolls her eyes and heads back to sit with the rest of the girls.

"Soo and I are gonna leave," Chanyeol announces, taking my hand and leaving the room.

"So, we're officially official," I smile once we're out of the house.

"Yep," He smiles back.

"So, where are we going?" I ask.

"The backyard," He shrugs, pulling me around the house.

I laugh. Of course, my Chan.

He sits down under the large tree in our backyard and gestures of me to sit next to him. I plop down next to him and rest my back against the large trunk of the tree. I lay my head on his shoulder once I've settled and he lays his head on top of my head as we stare at the house. Our fingers somehow intwine with each other as we kind of just stay silent for a while.

"Do you think we'll get any hate?" I ask, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I'm sure some people won't people happy," He sighs.

I stay silent, letting the comfortable silence take over again.

"Promise we won't let it break us apart?" Chanyeol's deep voice disrupts the silence.

"Promise," I smile, though he can't see. He gives my hand a tight squeeze and I let out a deep breath.


Yoona's POV

"They are soooo cute together!" I sigh, dreamily.

"That's about the fifth time you've said that," Sehun groans. I roll my eyes as I tear my eyes away from the window.

"They're literally relationship goals," I flop down on the bed, next to Sehun.

"They've been dating for like a day," Sehun rolls his eyes in reply.

"But look at them!" I gesture to the window.

"Yeah, yeah, I saw already when you dragged me over there," He replies, boredly.

I sigh. "You'll only understand when you're in love."

Silence takes over the room, something that barely happens when Sehun and I are in the same room. I uncomfortably shift on the bed and glance over at Sehun, who seemed to be in great thought.

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