c h a p t e r ☆ 25

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Baekhyun's POV

"How long are you gonna keep ignoring her?" Suho groans.

I stay silent in reply.

"You too childish," Suho shakes his head.

Taeyeon puts her hand on Suho's arm. I'll admit I was a bit jealous.

"Calm down. It's fine. It's all my fault," She assures him.

"I'm sorry, Baek." She turns around. I ignore her stare and look out the window.

"She's apologizing, Baekhyun." Suho glares.

"Do I look like I care?" I grumble.

I feel Taeyeon's stare go away.

"Stop here, Suho," She orders. He pulls over to the side of the curb.

"Weh?" He asks. She opens the door.

"I just need some alone time. And I'm sure Baekhyun doesn't want to be anywhere near me." She explains.

"Are you sure? It's a bit cloudy. It might rain soon." Suho warns.

"I'll be back before it rains, don't worry." She says. I feel her gaze come upon me again.

"I'm truly sorry, Baekhyun."

The car door slams and the car moves forward. I look at the window for her and see her walking in the opposite direction.

'Probably headed for the park'. It's her favorite place to hang out.

Suho drives in silence. I continue to stare out the window. 'Will she be okay?' I shake my head. 'Don't worry, Baek. She can handle herself.'

"Look at her eyes, Baek."

"Huh?" I ask, confused.

"She may speak with confidence, but her eyes can tell a different story." Suho says. He pulls into the parking lot space and gets out.

I sit there for a few minutes before getting out as well. 'Her eyes can tell a different story.'


"Taeng still isn't home," I hear Tiffany pace, anxiously.

"It's okay, she assured me she'll be home soon," Suho attempts to soothe her.

"It's been hours! It's gonna rain any minute now!" Tiffany roars.

"What if something happened to her?" Tiffany asks fearfully.

"I'm sure she's fine. Baek, go look for her," Suho orders.

"Why - Nevermind," I quickly agree because of Suho's glare.

I slip on a hoodie and run out of the house. Where would I be if I were Taeyeon? The park. I quickly begin to walk to park. 5 minutes later. It begins to rain. Heavily. I put my hood up and quicken my pace.

"Taeyeon!" I yell out. I find my way to the park and begin my search. She always told me about the park.

"What's your absolute favorite place to relax and hang out?" I ask.

"The park. Definitely the park." Taeyeon answers right away.

"Geurae? Why?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I love to sit under this large tree and empty out my thoughts. It helps me de-stress, which I need a lot." She explains.

"Let's go there together and we can de-stress together," I offer.

"Sounds alright," She shrugs. I smile.

I need to find a big tree.

I search around the park and look around. I go to biggest tree from my view and sure enough, there is a figure sitting under it.

"Taeyeon!" I run towards the tree, raindrops flying in my face. She doesn't lift her head.

"Taeyeon!" I yell again. I rush over to her side. She slowly turns her head and weakly smiles.

"You came," She barely whispers.

"How could I not?" I smile. I touch her arms. She's super cold. I pull off my hoodie and wrap it around her arms. I tuck a damp strand of hair behind her ear.

"You're going to catch hypothermia," She states.

"It's fine. You're worth it." I smile. She smiles back.

"Gwechana?" I ask. She nods, but I do as Suho says. She isn't okay. She needs to get someplace warm.

"Can you stand up?" I ask. She gives a meek nod. She can't.

"This isn't going to do," I shake my head.

"Weh? I-I can stand," She argues.

"No, you can't. You're too weak," I argue back.

"Then what are we supposed to do?" She demands before shivering again.

"Sorry. I get angry when things don't go my way," She quickly apologizes.

"It's okay. I know how I can get you home," I say. She gives me a questioning look.

"You have to promise you won't scream," I warn. She raises an eyebrow before nodding.

I stand up and then bend back down and wrap an arm around her waist and one around her legs and proceed to pick her up bridal style. The look on her face is priceless, but I need to get her home quick.

She rests her head on my shoulder and falls asleep instantly. I pace myself so that I'm moving quickly but at the same time not making Taeyeon wake up.

I get to the dorm in 10 minutes and quickly get her inside. I wipe away the raindrops on her face and bring her to the living room.

"Taengoo!" Tiffany shouts. I put my finger in front of my lips, signaling her to be quiet.

"I'll take her up to her room so she can some rest." I say, Suho nods, with a smirk on his face.

I make my way up the stairs, careful not to wake her. I walk into her room and place her on her bed, under her covers. I take away my wet hoodie from her arms. I put the heater on and wipe away the wet strands of hair away from her face. I proceed to leave but I feel a tug on my shirt.

"Don't go," Her soft voice says.

"Arraseo," I say. I lay on top of the covers and she snuggles up next to me. I turn on the TV and turn to a movie. I look down at Taeyeon, but she's already asleep again. I kiss her forehead.

Good night, my sweet Taengoo.

Hey there guys! What is up with all the GG girls getting sick? Weird huh? Anyways I made an extra long chapter for you, about 950 words. Actually, that doesn't seem so long... Oh well. Hope you enjoyed! If you a reader of all my stories or at least my other stories, this is the main book I will mainly update. The others I will pop up here and there, but I will mainly focus on this book. Then after this book ends, (which probably won't be for a long time since I have to include 9 couples) I will mainly focus on another book. That's it for today. Bye!!

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