c h a p t e r ☆ 30

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Hyoyeon's POV

It was finally the day of the dance performance.

"You remember how this is gonna go, right?" Kai asks, preparing to go on stage.

"It's not like rehearsed it five thousand times," I roll my eyes, stretching out my legs.

I stand up straight and turn towards him to find him staring.

"Perv," I scoff, crossing my arms.

His face tints red and I bite my lip to hold back from bursting out loud in laughter.

"I get it, Kai, you like me," I tease, turning back to the present performance.

I can practically feel him rolling his eyes behind my back. I take a short glance back, but he's smiling at the floor. Weird.


"Oh, my great snickerdoodles, I'm gonna mess up," I exclaim, pacing back and forth.

"It's not we rehearsed it five thousand times," Kai mocks from earlier. I roll my eyes.

We're currently waiting for the current performance to end so that we may go on stage next. We were chosen to go last for the dances.

We're backstage, and I'm currently freaking out. I usually don't get this nervous before a performance, so I don't know what's different this time.

After a few moments of pacing, I stop and place my hands over face.

"Oh, my pancakes, what if I trip and fall? Then I'll become a laughing stock in front of the whole entire sch- what are you doing?"

I'm stopped short of my rant when I feel arms snake around my waist.

"You need to calm down," He explains. "And shut up."

"Wow, thanks," I mumble.

He turns me around so that I'm facing him. I look into his eyes.

"Listen to me; you'll be fine, you'll probably be amazing. I see the way you dance, and you dance so freely, so beautifully. I've never seen you mess up on a dance routine once. Just listen to the music and let your body do it's work."

I let an awkward silence settle over us as we look into each other's eyes. My cheeks are on fire and I suddenly have a loss for words.

"Hey, uh, if you guys are done, you're on in 30 seconds," One of the stage helpers interrupts the silence.

Kai and I both look at him and I step away from Kai's embrace, cheeks still on fire.

"Yeah, uhm, we're coming," Kai clears his throat.

The stage helper nods and walks away.

"You ready?" He holds out his hand.

I suck in a deep breath. "Yup," I take his hand.

We walk onto the stage together and I get into my position, and he gets in his.

The music begins and I do as Kai says, and I let my body take over.

I fly freely around the stage, letting my body sway to the music, carefreely following the routine proposed by Kai. As soon as we started, the music ends and we end in our finale positions.

I'm breathing heavily, and so is Kai from the frequent moving. I smile at him and he smiles back.

We walk off the stage, hand in hand.

"Now, was that so hard?" He teases as we walk to where the rest of our classmates are.

"Well, I just listened to you, and it became a piece of cake," I reply, not able to wipe the smile of my face.

"I think we absolutely aced that project," He smiles back.


Sooyoung's POV

"Hey Sooyoung?" I look up from my homework.

"What is it, Chanyeol?" I reply.

"Can I ask you something?" He questions.

"You already did," I tease. He rolls his eyes.

"So, we've known each other not that long, but I feel like I've known you my whole life," He goes on.

"And I've been pondering over this question, whether to ask you or not..." He looks away, playing with his hands.

"Go on," I pursue.

"Well, I've decided to ask you," He looks back up at me and stares into my eyes.

"We've been on a couple of dates here and there, but I want to make it official," He announces. I widen my eyes.

"So, will you, Choi Sooyoung, become my girlfriend?" He asks, placing a single red rose on the table.

A wide smile appears on my face before tackling Chanyeol.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I will!" I attack him with a bear hug, seating myself in his lap.

"That was a huge load lifted off my shoulders," He gives me a cheeky grin as he wraps his arms around my waist, while I wrap my arms around his next.

"Don't you know me by now, Chan? You shouldn't have to worry," I chuckle.

"Well, there's not telling for sure with you," He teases, tickling my sides.

"Yah! Hajima," I laugh.


SO! Major couple action in this chapter, yay! Sorry for being hiatus like after every chapter, as you know, school is just-- don't even start. I'm on vacation right now and it is currently 1:00 AM. I sacrifice a lot for you people. But at least I miss 3 days of school ^.^ Thanks for reading, love you, bye~


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