|Lady Masako|

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I ran towards Jin and started walking around him. "What are you... Doing?" Jin asked. "Looking for big wounds," I replied. I rolled his sleeve up and a gash covered his arm. "We gotta fix that up."

After some walking we found a river. I forced Sakai to sit down and started treating his wounds. "You know, you're going to teach me that Strike," I excitedly exclaimed. He nodded and looked at his gash on his arm. I placed a wet cloth on his arm to wipe the blood and then I wrapped some bandage over it. "Well here you go, big boy," I said jokingly. I sat beside Jin and stared at the water.
"You know... The fight looked really cool. It was just like the tale. Thunder and lightning was 'dancing' around you two and then when one died it stopped," I said, completely out of nowhere. Jin looked at me and nodded. "Yes, you're right... Want me to learn you the Strike?" He asked. I frowned and pointed at his arm. "Don't worry. I'll be careful."

Jin started showing me how to move my body and my sword. "Like this?" I asked. He walked towards me and got behind me. He put his hands over mine and started moving to show me how I should do it. I felt myself heating up. He let go of me and I mimicked what I was doing. "Yes, just like that. You got the hang of it," Jin said. "Thanks, Jin!" I exclaimed. "No... Problem," He whispered to himself.

After a little bit of resting we finally started riding to the Adachi estate. We fought some men on the way there, what was really weird. "There it is!" I said. The place looked completely ruined and dead. "Look! Horse tracks!" I exclaimed. "Someone fled the estate," Jin said. We got of our horses and started looking around. "Oi, Jin! Look what I found!" Jin walked towards me and looked at the body. "Dead for days..."

Suddenly an arrow hit the ground beside us. We quickly turned around and drew our swords. Before us stood a lady with a bow, dressed in blue. "Woah..." I said. "Lady Masako, It's me," Jin said to the woman, now known as Masako. She got of the rock and slowly walked towards us. "Jin Sakai... They said no samurai escaped Komoda..." Masako said. She balled her fists and asked, "My husband?"
I remembered. Adachi was the man who got his head sliced of by the Mongols. I looked at Jin, waiting for him to answer. "Lord Adachi died a warrior's death... Defending our home," He said. I looked at the ground. Uh... No, he didn't. That man's head fell of imme- "Who's the girl?" I looked at Masako and then at Jin. "Uhm... I am Kaneto, (Y/n) Kaneto, my Lady," I bowed. "She also was at Komoda as you can see," Jin said. Masako nodded, while looking at my bandaged eye. Lady Masako sighed. "Our home... Why have you come?" She asked. "The Mongol Khan has captured Lord Shimura," Jin started, "If your clan joins me, we can save my uncle and avenge your men," He said. Lady Masako stared at Jin, with sad eyes. "Clan Adachi... Is dead. Massacred by our own people," She exclaimed. I gasped. "Traitors! Why would they kill those who swore to protect them?!" Jin asked. "I intent to find out," Masako said. "And we will help you," I added. Jin looked at me and then nodded. "No, do not set aside your concerns for mine,' Masako said.
Sakai stepped forward and said, "The family of samurai are my concern. I know what it means to be the last of one's clan and..." Jin turned around and looked me in the eyes. "(Y/n) knows what it means to be the last of one's family." She looked at me. "I cannot be responsible for your deaths." I stepped forward and exclaimed, "You won't be, Lady Masako." She sighed and looked at the both of us.

"Ride with me."

We were riding, while the stars were watching us. "We fought men at your estate," Jin said to Masako. "They were finishing what they started. The night my husband and sons rode to face the Mongols, the assassins came to our home. My sister took the children and fled. I stayed with my son's wives to fight with our attackers. We were outnumbered. And then... I was the only one left."
I knew how Lady Masako felt. I also lost everyone and didn't have anyone. Well, aside from Iruki and Jin, of course. I felt Jin's eyes on me for a second and then he started talking, "That's how it ended for me at Komoda." "For me, it wasn't over. I buried them here, with the rest of our family," Lady Masako said. We stopped and got off our horses. We stepped towards the 'graves' and looked at them. "I tried to save them, but the assassins caught them on the road. Cut them down. My sister. Ny grandchildren. Even little Natsu... She was just born."
I looked at the woman. Out of nowhere, I hugged her. "I know how you feel, Lady Masako. But this is not the end. We will find the ones who caused this. This is just a new begin," I said. I felt the woman hug me back. We got up and looked at eachother. Both smiling to comfort eachother. We got on our horses and continued to ride. My blood was boiling. If I find those assassins I swear to Kami-Sama, I'll kill them with my own hands.

"I'm sorry you endured this alone," Jin started.  "I am not alone. The killers are alive," Masako replied. "They will pay for what they did," I said, joining the conversation. "Every moment the killers walk free, brings me shame."
"You can't blame yourself," Jin exclaimed. "But it is my duty to punish them for it."
We arrived at our destination. "You'll have to go in without me. Find the monk Sogen, and tell him the fate of clan Adachi." "What are you plotting Lady Masako?" Jin asked. "Indulge a grieving widow," She replied.

Me and Jin were searching the monk, till we finally found him. "I am Sakai." "I am Kaneto." We both introduced ourselves. "A samurai and..." "Two Samurai," I said to the monk. The monk nodded with a little judgemental look in his eyes. "Alive?"
"We have a message from Lady Masako. Clan Adachi was attacked. She is the only survivor," Jin said. "The Mongols?" Sogen asked. "Traitors, our own people," I replied. "How horrible," He said. I raised my eyebrow. This man didn't have any sympathy, I didn't trust him.

We walked back to Masako. "Jin," I started. "Hm?" "I don't trust that monk, I think he's hiding something," I said. Jin looked at me from the corners of his eyes. "We don't have any proof, (Y/n). Let's just go to Masako and see what she has to say," Jin replied. I nodded and looked at the ground. We proceeded to walk.
"We spoke to the monk," Jin said. "What did Sogen say?" "He offers you refuge in the temple," I said. "So my family's killers know where to find me," Masako said.
We started running and following Lady Masako. "You think Sogen is behind the massacre?" Jin asked. "He visited my home just before the assassins. The bastard was their little scout," Masako said. "That doesn't prove his guilt," Jin said. "No, but it earns my suspicion." "As well as mine," I said.

We arrived at the top of a little cliff. "Where is that monk?" Masako asked herself. "There's Sogen," I said. "Let's follow the wolf to his den," Masako replied. I suddenly felt something pull at my pants. I looked down and saw Iruki. "Oi! Big boy!" I ruffled his fur. I looked at Sogen and then at Iruki. "Follow him," I said to the fox. He immediately ran down. We started following the monk. Iruki helped us when we lost the target. "You sent me to frighten the monk," Jin said to Masako. "I knew he would panic. Make a mistake. Now he's leading us to his friend," Masako answered. Damn, this woman is just AMAZING.
"Stay close, we can't be seen," Jin said and put his hand on my shoulder. We followed the monk. We heard him say that he hoped nobody saw him leave. Suddenly the monk turned around. I quickly pushed Jin towards some bushes. I fell on top of him and put my hand over his mouth. I looked to see if the monk was still looking or not and then got off Jin. "You should work on those sneaking skills," I said. "And you should work on not falling on top of me everytime," He replied. My eyes widened and I got up, proceeding to follow the monk. "Did he see us," Lady Masako asked. "I don't think so," I said.

The monk finally stopped and started talking with someone. "Masako's alive. She has samurai with her!" Kinda happy that he called me a samurai, not gonna lie-
"That must be who killed our men at the estate," The bandit said. "You fools! Now they know I'm part of this. You have to find them!" Sogen yelled. "Keep your voice down," The bandit said. "I'm going inside. Don't come back until they're dead."

"Those men slaughtered my family. Spare the monk. The rest can die," Lady Masako said. Me and Jin nodded. We stepped towards the men. "Come here and fight!" Jin yelled. I just stood there looking at the some men approaching me. "Oi! Little girl, scared now are we?" One of the men said. "Not really no. Come here if you dare," I said while pulling my sword. The men approached me and the fight began. Masako just finished with her group of men. I looked behind Jin and saw a man approaching him, without me knowing there was also someone behind me. "Jin!" "(Y/n)!" We ran towards eachother and finished the men behind us with a heavily strike. "Well, didn't know he was behind me," I said. Jin nodded. We really are a dream team.
We got inside of the inn and found Sogen. "There is nowhere to run, Sogen," Masako said. Jin stepped forward. "You destroyed clan Adachi," He angrily exclaimed. "I was only a messenger," The monk calmly replied. "For who?" I asked. "Knowledge does not ned suffering," He answered. "You know nothing about suffering," Lady Masako exclaimed. "Masako..." Jin said. "I burried my family... One by one. It took days. But I'm going to leave you... For the wolves," She said.
Oh hell yeah.
"We need him alive, to tell us who he serves," Jin said. "Our world has changed. Men of vision must rise to face it and those in the way... Must be removed," Sogen said. "THEY WERE CHILDREN!" Masako yelled. She pulled her sword and stabbed the man multiple times. "Masako!" Jin yelled.
There he was. On the ground. Lifeless.

He shouldn't have done it

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