|Honor died on the Beach|

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"You..." Lord Shimura spat. "We lost too many. If you would have just listened to me," Jin said, choosing my side. "ENOUGH!" Lord Shimura yelled. He pushed my sword away from his throat and approached Jin. "We will discuss this. Alone," He said, while glaring daggers at me. "And you, Kaneto. Better not pull that on me again. I will make sure that the Shogun knows of your actions. Your father would be so disappointed in you," He added. I gripped my sword harder. Don't do it. Don't. "DON'T you dare drag my father into this conversation. You may be the leader, but that gives you no right to degrade me," I said and ran away. "(Y/N)!" Jin yelled after me.

"Stupid Lord, stupid shogun, stupid Mongols," I spat while throwing kunai at the ground. Iruki and I reunited again. The fox was silently laying in my lap, occasionally making a noise. "How are you?" A voice asked, while sitting next to me. I looked at Yuna and then back at Iruki. "Fine. What about you?" I asked. "Same as you. You know, I liked what you did out there," She smirked. "I also didn't like seeing those people die and that Lord, he doesn't even care or has any grief," She added. "Yuna?" I said. "Yeah?" "You and Iruki won't leave me, right?" I asked. "No. We won't. Never."

"The Mongols are on the defensive. We will strike before they regroup and end this war tomorrow," Lord Shimura said. "You sent our men to die," Jin spat. "They are soldiers," He said without any care. "AND their blood is on our hands. I can find a way past that bridge, together with (Y/n), poison the enemy..." Jin ranted. "An act of terror," Lord Shimura abruptly turned around. "I am trying to save OUR people," Jin spat. "By teaching them to fear us?! Jin, I don't know what those girls did too you, but I don't want you to act like this. If you continue down this path, you will be no better than the Mongols," Lord Shimura said. He grabbed Sakai by the shoulders. "I trained you with honor," Shimura said. "Honor died on the beach. The Khan deserves to suffer," Jin said. The Lord shook his head, "You are ruled by your emotion." "I SACRIFICED EVERYTHING I KNEW TO SAVE OUR PEOPLE?! I GAVE THEM HOPE! YOU DID NOTHING!" Jin yelled.
Jin held his burning cheek. He would never see his uncle the same way he did. "Jin... No..." The Lord tried to reach for him, but he walked away.

Me and Yuna were eating some food to regain energy. "Your cooking is my favorite," Yuna said. I thanked her and gave Iruki a piece of meat. "Now go my little fox. Don't get killed," I said. I heard footsteps approaching us and turned around to look. Jin stood before me with a face I couldn't read. I slowly stood up and opened my arms. Jin fell into my invite. I don't remember how long we stood there, but I know it was silent. A good type of silent. Jin pulled away from the warm hug but kept his arms around me. He stared at me with a longing look in his eyes. Our face were so close, I didn't even notice at first. "(Y/n)..." He whispered. Our eyes were half lidded and he leaned in, before suddenly.
"So, what were you gonna tell us?" Yuna said. I pushed Jin away and quickly stood next to Yuna. He awkwardly coughed a little and signed us to follow him.

We made it into a spot where we could see the destroyed bridge. "They're patching the bridge under your uncle's orders," Yuna said. "Lord Shimura is determined to see his plan through. No matter how many lives it costs," Jin said. "These people came here to fight. For you," Yuna said. "Yeah Jin. So what's your plan, My Lord?" I asked, while smirking. He smiled and turned to Yuna. "How much wolfsbane can you find in the next hour?" He asked. "A few handfuls," She said confidently. "Talk to the others. Tell them to gather all they can carry," He ordered. "You're going poison the Mongols?" I asked. "Me and you, (Y/n). We'll find a way into the castle, then slip it into their drinks. Watch the Khan choke on his own blood," He said. "Your uncle's gonna find out," Yuna added. "I know," He said. "Taka was making something for you. I wasn't sure you want it but now... If something happens," she got cut off. "It won't," Sakai said. "He'd want you to have it," She said.

"Are you sure this will work?" I asked Jin, while watching the sun go down. "No," He said. The silence filled the air again. We were sitting shoulder to shoulder. The sun finally got down and stars filled to sky. The Mongols were shooting fire arrows at the bridge, that the samurai tried to rebuild. "(Y/n), if something happens... I want to tell you that," He started. "What is it, Jin?" I asked. "(Y/n), I," "Jin, (Y/n)!" Yuna whisper yelled.
We stood up and approached her. "This is all the wolfsbane we found. Will it be enough?" She handed it over. "I'll make sure it is," Jin said. He adjusted the mask that Taka had made for him. A whole armor just for him. Jin took my hand. I quickly turned to look at him.

"It's time. It's just you and me now."
I think I'm going to try to update every Saturday/Sunday and if I have time, I'll also update on other days. BUT I CANT PROMISE ANYTHING! Also sorry for this short chapter being busy, but still wanted to update!❤️

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