|Honor or Home|

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"Samurai pride themselves on their honor code. But it also makes them rigid. Predictable. Easy to break. The Ghosts have no limits. This makes them... Dangerous," The Khan told Ryuzo.

"What are you doing, (Y/n)?" Jin came behind me. "Oh... uh, well Yuriko learned me how to make these darts. They're covered with a special plant that we can turn into poison," I told him. "But, why? This is not how samurai-" I cut him off. "I know Jin, but this is not a joke. We're going to fight the biggest army we have ever seen. We need this. Please," I begged. Jin closed his eyes and crossed his arms. "Ok," He said. "Huh?" "But you have to give me some too," He smirked. "Let's do this. Together?" I asked. "Together."

"Do you have everything?" I asked. "Yes. You?" He asked. "I just need some-," Before I could finish my sentence, Jin already handed over some Kunai. "Thanks, Jin," I said. He patted my back and we got on our horses and followed the Lord.
Me and Jin were talking about what delicious food we would eat after this invasion. "I desire something with fish," Jin said. "Yeah? Well maybe I can make something," I said.
"Jin, come here," Lord Shimura interrupted our conversation. Jin looked at me and I nodded. If that man interrupts my quality time with Jin, one more time...

I was eavesdropping on their conversation. Just so I had something to do.
"This is our moment, Jin. The fate of our island hangs on this battle," Lord Shimura said. He probably means the fate of his castle. "We will take the Khan's head. Together," Jin exclaimed. "And personally deliver it to the shogun," Lord Shimura added. We were getting closer to the castle. Men on their horses, men carrying banners, everybody was following the two. "Warriors of Tsushima! Today we defeat Khotun Khan! Retake Castle Shimura! And drive the Mongols from our home!" He yelled. "Follow Lord Shimura!" Jin yelled after that.
The fate of Tsushima lies in our hands.
The horns made their sound and we immediately attacked. Me and Jin were riding next to each other. "Ready?!" He yelled. "I was fucking born ready! LET'S GO!" We both jumped of our horses and sliced a Mongol. We both fought side to side. "(Y/n)! Hit that barrel!" Jin yelled. "Gotcha!" I quickly took out an arrow, shot the barrel. The explosion killed the men next to it. "Jin! Sticky bomb!" I yelled. He threw the bomb. I quickly dodged it and the bomb landed on the man's face.

After a while we were done with the Mongols protecting the front. "Bring forward the battering ram!" Lord Shimura yelled. Men were pushing the heavy ram forward towards the gate. We managed to smash open the gate. The Mongols shot fire arrows at us, but we dodged them by hiding behind the ram. "Forward! Show the Mongols we will not be denied!" Lord Shimura yelled. Ishikawa ordered the archers. Even Norio yelled words of encouragement. "For clan Adachi!" Masako yelled. We kept moving forward and forward while killing the Mongol warriors.

After a while, we arrived at a bigger gate. "Lord Sakai! Lady Kaneto! Scout the path ahead!" Lord Shimura ordered us. "Yes, my Lord!" We both said. Me and Jin climbed up a tower to see a big Mongol army waiting for us. The leader stepped in front. "Run home, Japanese dogs! This gate will not open for you!" He exclaimed. "Get those three. I'll get those others," Jin said. I nodded and grabbed my blowpipe. We shot our darts and the men fell with a lot of pain dead. Jin and I jumped of the tower and silently landed behind the leader. He was looking at the suffering men on the ground. The gates suddenly bursted open, but Jin has already sliced the leader's head off.
"LORD SAKAI!" Shimura yelled. I turned around. Whoops... Caught red handed... Literally. Jin grabbed the Mongol's head and showed it to the running warriors. "Run, cowards!" He yelled. I lightly kicked his leg so he would turn around. "What?" He hissed but saw Lord Shimura. "Jin?! What are you doing?!" Lord shimura asked. Jin's face was covered with blood from the enemy. "Clearing the way with (Y/n)!" He said. I coughed a little, not wanting to come between their little argument. "Not like that. Never like that," Lord Shimura spat. The Mongols were still coughing out blood. "Face them as a warrior with honor. Not a monster," He added. Jin approached his uncle. "It's all they understand," Jin said. "Terror is not the weapon of a samurai," Shimura said.

Suddenly, we heard that damn machine again. "That tower... They'll block our advance!" Jin yelled. "This is YOUR chance Lord Sakai. Destroy their weapon. With honor," Shimura said. Jin nodded and took off. Before I could follow him, a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I froze and turned my head. Lord Shimura glared at me. "You better not be giving my future son these ridiculous ideas. Go," He said. I loudly gulped and nodded. I quickly ran after Jin and caught up. "Where were you?!" He yelled. "Lord Shimura gave me... Advice!" I yelled back. We made our way to the tower, pushing and killing the men in our way. "lLord Sakai, their Hwacha!" Shimura yelled.

Jin climbed up the tower, while I stood out for the lookout. "Aim at the them, Jin!" I yelled, while shooting down on of the Mongols. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. "Let's go to the top!" Yuna said. I nodded and put down my bow. We stood next to Jin and shot down some men. But Jin did most of the work with the Hwacha. "There's nothing more we can do here. Let's go," Yuna said and climbed down the tower.

We arrived at the bridge connecting the Castle. We saw the Mongols running away. Something wasn't right... "They're falling back?!" Shimura exclaimed. "The Khan wouldn't give up like this... Something's wrong," Jin added. The men closed the gates, while out warriors carefully approached it. I saw smoke come out of the castle. This is not right... I quickly climbed up higher on the tower where we stood. My eyes widened. Horse bomb. "JIN!" I screamed. He didn't hear me. Damn it. I looked back at the soldiers. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THERE!" The soldiers looked back, but it was already to late. The horses took down the gate. Soldiers were running back, running for their life. Everybody was trying to shoot the explosives.
"Come on... Now!" I shot the barrels and the bridge exploded. The whole earth shook.

Silence filled the air. "Those poor souls. We will honor their sacrifice," Shimura said. "Gather our soldiers. We must prepare-,
I jumped down in front of them, standing on the thin wooden barrier. I looked at the chaos in front of me. "You..." I slowly turned around. "No," I looked Shimura dead in the eye. "What?" He asked. "You have done enough! YOU HAVE DONE IT! DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT SAVING THIS ISLAND! THIS ISN'T ABOUT HONOR, MY FUCKING LORD!" I screamed. "(Y/n)..." Jin tried to calm him.

Lord Shimura leaned a little back, as he was taken back from the sword at his throat.

"I will not fight for honor. I fight for my island, my home. My Lord."
Almost a whole month... I am so sorry people. Sometimes life can go down so suddenly. School just started and has being very draining and I also had some family shit. I hadn't been doing the best and my mental health was just non existing. I even deleted Wattpad. But guess what? YA GIRL HAS COME BACK WITH MUCH MORE MOTIVATION AND HAPPINESS!! IDC IF IM BEING THE SADDEST. RULE NUMBER ONE FIR ME IS: NEVER JUST DISCONTINUE A BOOK! IMAGINE GETTING MOTIVATED AGAIN. SO HERE WE ARE GUYS WE KEEP GOINGGGG LETSSSS GOOOO. IF YOU EVER FEEL DOWN AND ARENT AT A GREAT PHASE IN YOUR LIFE, REMEMBER: IT WILL ALWAYS GET BETTER, A L W A Y S. SO LETS KEEP SUPPORTING EACH OTHER AND HELP EACH OTHER.💖

The Ghosts of Tsushima ||                             Jin Sakai X Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now