|My Kind Of Woman|

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Jin and I stared at Takara's grave. Jin had no words for the story (Y/n) told him. He felt guilty he couldn't protect her. He clenched his fists. Both of them payed their respects and continued forward. The sun was setting and the stars were visible. We were walking hand in hand and the cold was tickling my skin. Jin noticed this and pushed me closer to him. We were walking back to the little house Jin woke up in to see Yuna... And discuss what they were going to do against the Khan.

We arrived at the house where Yuna was waiting for us. We discussed everything we knew. The Khan was at Port Izumi. "We need to built a camp near the Port," Jin said. We nodded. "I'll go check and see where we can built that camp," She said and went away. "Oh, and your equipment is in that chest," She added. I stood up and grabbed Jin's stuff. "Here," I said, monotone. "Thank you..," Jin replies, awkwardly.
After a while, we decided to go hunting and explore the area, before heading to the tower. Me, Yuna and Jin divided the tasks. Yuna would go "fishing" and Jin would help me hunting while exploring the area.

Jin was carrying the boar on his shoulder. We killed it not so long ago. Jin was staring at her back. She didn't smile. Not once. No emotions. It was like everything was gone. Yuna told him that she changed. They were exploring the area and Jin was determined to bring the old (Y/n) back. He dropped the boar on the ground and picked a flower of the ground. It was just as pretty as her. She was about to turn around to see why he had stopped walking. As she did, Sakai tucked the flower behind her ear. She felt a sudden heat she hadn't felt for months. "Thank you," She said and turned to continue walking.

They arrived at the river where Yuna was at. "Hey kiddo, Jin. Lend me a hand?" Yuna yelled. (Y/n) was about to go till she felt a pair of arms around her waist. "JIN?!" She yelled. He ran to the river that was a little deep and threw the girl into the river. When she popped her head back above the water, she saw him laughing, Yuna too. Finally, it was back. That feeling. Those emotions. The girl laughed with them. Yuna's eyes widened, not believing what she was hearing. She could cry from joy. Her old friend was back. Jin put (Y/n) on his back and the trio played in the water. Making each other fall and splashing each other. He sat on the grass watching the two women have a water fight. Her eyes shined and her smile lit something up inside of him. At that moment he knew. (Y/n) Kaneto was his kind of woman.

We dried our clothes and hair at the bonfire. We ate and told stories about everything there was to talk about. It felt like a happy family. Some time had pass and we decided to go. "Let's go to the horses," Yuna says. (Y/n) realised that Jin didn't had a horse. He had told her about the sad story. Before she could say anything, Jin had beat her to it. "They killed Sora," He said. Yuna apologised and showed him the other horse. "This will have to do for now," She said while patting his shoulder. Kaneto gave him a quick hug before getting on Kage.

Yuna had explained how a lot of towns were burnt to the ground. "But that doesn't matter. Jin. Why did you surrender to your uncle?" She asked him. "I didn't want him to blame you two," He explained. "Oh so we were first choices, huh?" She joked. I laughed lightly. "Never do that again, Jin," I told him. "I won't. But he was trying to protect me. To fulfill his duty to the Shogun," Jin defended his uncle. And so the ride went on with Yuna and Jin arguing about what's right and good.
While that was happening, we also saved some villages that were held captive by the Mongol Army. We then met up with Norio. While resting at the place of the monks. We comforted Jin. "Your uncle chose his own path, Jin," I said. He nodded. "And I chose mine. The Khan studied Shimura's tactics. He knows how to break a samurai army," Jin explained. "But he doesn't know us," I said. "We'll make him hurt. For Taka," Yuna said. "For everyone," Jin added. "For Tsushima."
A lot of weeks went by. Me and Jin sent out messages to Lady Masako and Sensei Ishikawa. We has called out everybody, asking them to join us. And our hard work payed off.
We were standing right in front of the people who were there for us since the beginning. "Is everybody alright?" Jin asked. "All things considered," Lady Masako said. "Never been better," Sensei said. "It's good to see you Lord Sakai, Lady Kaneto," Norio politely said. "Uh is it cold up here everywhere?" Kenji asked. "You'll get used to it," Jin chuckled. "Anyways, take any supplies you need. We are heading for Jogaku," Jin said. We talked to everybody and explained ideas that we had.

Again, the trio was sitting together. Relaxing. "It's time we make the Khan pay," Yuna had said while drinking her Sake. (Y/n) had put her head on Jin's shoulder. The two stayed like this even when Yuna went to go to sleep. Kaneto scooted closer to him, searching for every warmth there was.

"I missed you, Jin."
I watched Spider-Man: NWH and it was so good (no spoilers don't worry).

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