|Little Samurai|

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13th Century, Tsushima.

"Daddy, do you think that I can be a samurai one day?" The little girl asked, while playing with her doll made out of straw. "Sweetie, you can be whatever you want to be, but only if you believe in yourself," The older man said.
The two were walking home from an exhausting day. The man opened the door to their little home. "Welcome home!" The woman said, who was standing in the kitchen. "MOMMY, DADDY SAID THAT I CAN BE A SAMURAI ONE DAY!" The kid screamed. The little girl ran to the woman and jumped in her arms. "Of course you can, sweetie. Maybe you would fight alongside Lord Shimura himself or maybe even Lord Sakai. But first..." The woman carried the little girl to the dinning table.
The girl looked at the old, little table and saw all sorts of delicious food laying on the table. "My little samurai needs to eat, so she can be strong and healthy for the battles."

The happy family started to eat together, until the wife of the smith started to cough really hard. This happened a lot . The girl looked with a sad face at her father, who helped her mom taking her medicine. Not long after that, the older man carried his wife to the bedroom. "Daddy, is mommy okay?" The little girl looked at her dad with a worried expression. She still asked him, even when she knew what her father was going to say. "Yes sweetie, mommy is just feeling a little sick, don't worry."
That's what he always said.

The little girl yawned loudly after a while. "And I think it's also bedtime for you," The man said.
She started to fall asleep. Her dad carried her to the bedroom. After he laid her down, he said something to her. But the little girl fell asleep and dreamed about being a samurai

The girl was now seven. There she stood with her father, looking at the grave of her mother.
She died one year ago, because of an unknown illness and nothing could cure her.
Depression took over her father. But she was there for him, every day and every night.
The father and daughter started to leave the cemetery, but while walking the road, something caught the girl's eye.
A young boy stood in front of a big, red tree. There were white and red leaves everywhere. "Daddy, who's cemetery is that?" She asked. The man turned his face, looking at the direction his daughter pointed at. "That is the family cemetery of clan Sakai, my little samurai," He said. The girl stopped in her tracks. Looking at the young boy's back. The boy started to turn around and she saw his face. He looked a couple years older than her.
He looked sad and lonely. Just before she could go to him...  "(Y/n), it's time to go!" Her father yelled. The girl turned around and ran to her father, not knowing that the boy stared at her back.

"Daddy, who was that little boy?" She asked.
The father was holding the little girl's hand, while her other hand was holding her straw doll. "Hmm... I think it was Jin Sakai, the son of Lord Sakai. His mother passed away two years ago I think." The girl nodded her head and the two started to walk away from Omi village. The man helped his daughter on his horse and himself. Riding to Castle Shimura.

"WAAAH, DADDY, IT'S SO PRETTY HERE!" The girl looked around Kubara Falls. She looked at the trees and the water, appreciating the nature. Birds were singing their song and she even spotted a fox. "A lot of Samurai come here to do haiku and relax their soul, before going to battles." Her father explained. She started dreaming about being a Samurai. Dreaming about holding her own katana and fighting for her land with honor.
The little samurai never really had friends. They always would start making fun of her when she would tell them that she wanted to be a samurai. Bullying her into believing that she would never be a samurai. They would say that she's weak and a girl. What was wrong with that? A girl can be a samurai if she wants to be one.
But her dad was there for her and her mother was there. Her father would tell her that the birds in the trees and the stars in the night sky are her mom, watching over her and protecting her.

After a long journey, they arrived at the village that was in front of Castle Shimura.
The man helped his daughter off the horse.
"Good boy, here, you can eat now, Hoshi." The man said, giving the horse its snack. "Daddy, I'm also hungry," The little girl said. The father took the kid's hand and started to walk towards an inn.

She was eating her food that she craved after this long day. Her dad came back after getting a room for the two. "Daddy, what are we going to do tomorrow?" She asked. The father started eating too. He looked at his daughter and smiled. "That's a surprise (Y/n). Don't worry, you will love it." The girl nodded her head while also smiling, and started to eat again.

"Wake up, my little samurai." The girl opened her eyes slowly, while rubbing them. "Go dress into something and wash yourself, don't forget to eat. I will wait outside," Her father said.
The girl whispered a little 'Okay' and started to get up slowly.
After she was done, she walked outside. She saw her father selling a weapon to someone.
She walked towards her father and smiled. "Daddy, I'm ready. So what surprise were you talking about?" She asked. The man smiled and took the girl's hand. The two started walking to Castle Shimura. After some time, they arrived.

"State your name and business!" The guard asked them. "I'm Hitori Kaneto, a smith and a bowyer. This is my daughter, (Y/n) Kaneto. Lord Shimura asked me to come here for business," He explained. "Ah yes, we heard a lot about you, all good things. You can proceed to walk," The guard said and let them through.

The man started to walk, while the girl was staring at the big castle. He turned around and looked at his daughter with a big smile. "Are you coming (Y/n)?" He asked. The girl nodded her head and started running with excitement.
She looked around her. There were Samurai everywhere. The girl started jumping from excitement. "LOOK DAD HE'S DOING THE STONE STANCE. OH OH AND THAT ONE IS DOING A MOON STANCE!" The father looked proudly at his daughter for already knowing this at such a young age.

The dad ruffled the girl's hair and smiled at her. He took the girl's hand so she wouldn't run away of curiosity. "Ah hello Hitori, long time no see?" A voice said. The girl stopped and looked at the direction where the voice was coming from. She froze in her place. "Yes yes Lord Shimura. How have you been doing?" Her father asked. The girl was shocked. Her father was friends with The Lord Shimura himself?! And he never told her?! "Oh I've been doing good... Hmm? Who's that little girl over there?" Lord Shimura asked. (Y/n) started to come back from her state of shock and stuttered.
Her dad took her hand and introduced her. "This is my daughter, (Y/n) Kaneto. Say hi to Lord Shimura, my dear," Her father said. "H-Hi Lord Lord Shimura" She stuttered. The older man chuckled at the little girl's nervousness.
"She wants to be a samurai one day," Her father added. The Lord looked at the man and then at the little girl. "I think she would make a fine samurai," Lord Shimura smiled. (Y/n)'s mouth and eyes opened wide and she started to jump from excitement. But suddenly a voice from behind the Lord interrupted them.

"Uncle, who are these people?"

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