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TW: Kaede being a creep. Literally.

(Y/n) drew her sword out. "That's what you think, Kaede. But I know that's not true," She said. They both circled around each other. "You pretend like you know me. But, I know more about you, little Ghost," He spat. The girl loudly gulped, but tried to hide her fear. She didn't want admit it but, she knew he was strong. Kaede was a well known samurai, among them, he was the strongest, smartest, fastest samurai. She remembered seeing him as a little boy at the training grounds. He didn't play games like other kids, instead he trained hard everyday. His dad was very strict with him. Growing up with no mother lead to him being so disrespectful towards women. Kaede childhood was filled with seeing numerous women leaving his house. His dad always had a new one. Everybody knew this, even the little kids, but nobody ever helped him. Kaede never wanted to be like his dad, but the future decided against it.
"Kaede, I know you aren't as bad as you pretend to be," (Y/n) said. "All I want is to save Tsushima and my loved ones," She continued, "And I know you want the same." Kaede laughed. "Me? Loved ones? I don't even give a shit about Tsushima! Do you know how mighty I am? I could become the next biggest Lord this island has ever known!" He said proudly. Kaneto sighed and pulled her mask up. "I thought I could persuade you, but you leave me no choice," She pointes her sword at him. "This is the day you die, Kaede Kusanagi."

Kaede struck forward, which (Y/n) dodged. She threw a kunai at him, but he grabbed one mid flight. He smirked seeing the surprised look of the girl. "Oh don't look at me like that. You're gonna make me feel things," He said. Disgusting. "Less talking, more fighting," She plunges her sword. The sword made the first wound of the battle. A little cut was made at Kaede's forearm. He growled and looked with pure anger at her. "You little shit. I'll make you pay. Do you know how expensive these clothes are?" He said striking at her again. Kaneto tried to avoid them all, but he was way too fast for her. She threw a smoke bomb and quickly hid behind a tree. The girl hissed and looked at the wound in her arms and the upper part of her body. "Boo!" The girl turned around and quickly dodged the man's attack. "You know, I think I'm going to let you live. So that I can make your life a living nightmare. Every day will be hell for you, (Y/n) Kaneto," He said. She was getting tired every second. Kaneto knew he would be strong but after every fight she fought with Jin, she really thought she was stronger. The girl tried to hold in her tears, not wanting him to see them. She missed Jin, she's only strong with him... No, Yuna had told her already, she could do this. But then, the final blow was made. Kaede kicked her in the stomach, which made her fall on the ground. He quickly crawled over her. "I can't decide whether I should let you live or let you die. But, orders are orders. I'll cut you throat in the most painful way ever, Kaneto." Before his sword could end her. "Kaede... You... You used to be so nice. Remember how me and Jin used to stalk you while you were training. We really thought you wouldn't see us. I always admired you and hoped to be as strong as you and Jin combined. I know about your father, Kaede. Please, I'm begging. After you kill me, please don't turn into a monster like him," She said. She reached her hand to touch him. Her weak fingers could just stroke his cheek, till he stood up. "Fight," He said. Kaneto stood up with a blank face. "I hope you change many lives, Kaneto."
The girl kicked him the same way he did to her. He looked at her and gave her a first and a last smile. "Thank you, (Y/n)." Before the girl pierced her sword into his heart.

Yuna and (Y/n) met up again. Yuna had already forced some of the men to sent out a message to the Lord that we wouldn't stop. Kaneto told Yuna everything that happened. "It sounds so unbelievable and weird," Yuna said. "But, when you tell it, it's normal," She smirked. The two made memories along the way. Helping smaller villages, doing some tasks for other people. At last they arrived at the snowy village.
They helped them against the Mongols and had brought food for them. Yuna helped hunting and fishing, while Kaneto learned them more fighting tactics. And of course they made friends. But was that a good or a bad thing?

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