|Kenji, The Sake Man|

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"He was never going to talk," Masako said. "We still need information. There has to be something we can use. Search outside. Me and (Y/n) will deal with things in here," Jin said. Before Masako could walk out I gave her a cloth, so she could wipe of the blood of her face. She gave me a weak smile before heading out. I stood there looking at the body while also clenching my fists. I will drag him from hell and-
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and looked up at Jin. "Let's search for something that can help us," He said. I nodded and looked around. I was looking under a table and got up. Suddenly, I saw a paper with something written on it. "Jin! I found something!"

We got outside and walked towards Lady Masako. Jin showed her the list. "A list with names and a clan symbol," He said. "I found the same symbol on these men. I have never seen it before," Masako said. Jin added, "A rival clan... Moving to take control..." I quickly joined the conversation, "We have to stop them!" Masako looked at me. "I will." I gasped and said, "But Lady Masako!? You can't do this alone!" Jin nodded and said, "When my uncle-"
Here he goes again. "When my uncle hears of this... He will not rest until the traitors pay for what they did. Help me and we will bring everyone down who hurt you." "And your family," I added. "Together," Masako said. "When you need help rescuing your uncle, I will be there." "Thank you, Lady Masako," Me and Jin said.

Me and Jin were resting somewhere in the forest. I was eating while watching Jin write some haiku. When he finally got done, I gave him some food. We were sitting in silence and eating. I looked up and looked at him. We just reunited again and we already have done so much. I wish this could last forever... And it will.
Suddenly, Jin looked up and saw me staring at him. I choked on my food and quickly looked down. Please don't say anything, please don't say anything-
"(Y/n)?" Jin said. FU- "Ye- Yes?"
"Are you done eating?" He asked. I looked back up and saw him already finished with his food. I quickly ate mine and answered a 'yes'. He chuckled and got up. I tried to get up but saw him giving me a hand. He pulled me up and said, "What do you think if we would go and rescue Yuna's brother?" "Yes! Let's go save Taka!" I ran to my horse and got on it. "Let's go, Jin!"

We were peacefully riding in our horses. I looked up at the sky. It's beautiful. Wait what's that? "Damn it?!" I said. "What is it?" Jin asked. I pointed towards the sky and there was an eagle. "That's a Mongol eagle. Trained to listen to them," I replied. We suddenly saw men approaching us. I grabbed my bow and shot the eagle. Jin got off his horse and fought the men, while I was shooting them with my bow. We killed them all and saved a peasant.

Finally, we arrived. I suddenly heared a familiar voice. "What's happening in there?" Jin asked. "Don't ask me to rile up people who drink horse blood," A voice said. "I wasn't asking. Not after Komatsu," Yuna said. "That was a misunderstanding," The voice said. "That was a scared sake merchant trying to wriggle out of trouble," She said. I opened the door and saw who I thought it was. "Kenji?!" I exclaimed. I got in the house followed by Jin. "Taka is counting on us," Yuna continued talking with the man called Kenji. "I love the kid, but this is too dangerous. It will never work," He said. I suddenly felt a presence behind me. "We'll make it work." I looked up and saw Jin right behind me, pressed up against me. I blushed and looked back at the two. Kenji looked at Jin, then at me, back at Jin and at Yuna asking, "This the samurai?" I took out my sword and pointed it towards him. "Make it two, Kenji!" I said. I put my sword back and glared at him."You can call me Lord Sakai," Jin said. "Forgive me, My Lord. I am Kenji. Upstanding merchant. Outstanding sake brewer," He said. "And the best swindler on the island. That's why he's going to help us rescue my brother from Azamo Bay," Yuna added. "That town is a fortress," He said. Jin joined their conversation, "If the Mongols took it, we'll need an army to penetrate the walls." "Or," Yuna started, "A single delivery of Sake." Kenji laughed nervously, "It'll never work."
"Get your sake ready," Jin said, "We'll discuss the plan on the move." "UH! Let's have a drink first! Talk this through?!" Kenji said. "Now Kenji," Yuna ordered him.

"When we get close to the town, you can hide in the cart with the sake," Kenji said. "Don't do anything funny, Kenji. I will find you," I said. "And the Mongols won't search your cart?" Jin asked. "Not anymore. It's the same sake delivery I always sell them," He said.
We were talking about random stuff. "Since when do you know this guy," Jin asked Yuna. "Since I was too young to know beter," She replied. "I sold my first batch to her," Kenji added. Yuna scoffed, "Tasted like piss." "For a while, I tried to get Taka's help selling it. Turned out he was too soft," Kenji told Jin. "People told him sob stories, and he'll give them free sake," Yuna told him about Taka.

We arrived and Kenji said, "Damn. You three better get in the cart." "But how will three of us fit in one tiny cart," I asked. But before I got an answer, I was suddenly pulled into the cart and a hand was placed over my mouth. I tried to wriggle out of the grip, but got tired and stopped. I looked up and saw Jin looking at me and doing the 'Shh' sign. I nodded and he pulled his hand away. I looked around and saw Yuna. I took a good look around and realised something. I am- I AM SITTING ON HIS LAP?! I started panicking in my head. The heat rushed to my head. "Get ready! They might search the cart!" Kenji whispered. "You said they won't do that?!" Jin said. I felt his voice vibrate through his chest. "At the town gates. I've never seen them this far out here," He replied. Kenji walked passed the Mongol without saying anything. But suddenly, "You! Stop!" The Mongol yelled. Kenji explained that it was sake/dars and the Mongol let him go.

Kenji approaches the town gates and they let him in without any hesitation. Kenji sighed out of relief, " I can't believe this worked." We got out of the cart and Kenji started talking, "This is where we part our ways." "Keep the Mongols drunk and distracted," Jin said. "I'll try my best."

"Stay safe, Kenji"

"And you, Lord Sakai"
Here ya go my fellow simps. FEAST ON THIS CHAPTER- I mean enjoy🥰🥺✨👉👈😍

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