|Silly Old Feelings|

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We were riding towards southern Umugi Prefecture. But all humans need some rest, so we were taking a little break, again. Jin went somewhere to meditate or something. I was walking around the forest, heads in the clouds. I looked around to see if Jin was somewhere near, he wasn't. I smirked and looked at a random tree. "Oh hi Jin, didn't see you there. Yeah... So, I thought maybe, perhaps... You... wannabewithmeandwecangetmarried?" I slapped my forehead and decided to stop whatever the heck that was. But when I turned around I saw a little fox staring at me. It was none other than Iruki, the annoying, disappearing little brat. "You little sneaky rat."
I grabbed the fox and sat down, leaning against 'Jin, the tree'. I sighed. "Iruki, I think... I am in love with Jin." The fox looked at me with a blank stare. If the fox could speak, he would probably already start yelling at her telling the girl it was obvious. "But what if he doesn't love me like that but more as a friend? Or worse... A sister."

Jin was done with whatever he was doing and returned to the little camp he and his friend set up. Much to his surprise, she wasn't there. The young Sakai decided to search for her. After a couple minutes he heard a voice. Jin walked towards the voice and saw the girl, with her back turned to him. "I think.. No.. I know I lo-" The girl was cut off by the sound of a branch cracking. She turned around and saw Jin. (Y/n)'s face was turning red very fast, faster than the speed of light. She quickly got up and let the fox go. "Jin! What are you doing here," She exclaimed in a flustered tone. "I was looking for you so we could go. Also, what were you talking about with Iruki?" He asked. She looked at the fox and the fox at her. "Nothing! She quickly yelled.

We were continuing our journey, till I yelled, "Wait! What's that!?" We approached the circle area and saw a man standing in the middle, a Strawhat, to be specific. "I knew you'd find me, Sakai. Oh, the young lady is here too," He said. I grimaced and glared at the man. He let the peasant go and turned back to us. "Straw hats are cowardly traitors. You all deserve death," Jin exclaimed. I stood next to him and nodded. "And samurai are spoiled hypocrites who steal glory from real warriors like me. I'll prove it," The straw hat talked back. "Oh yeah? Come on then fight me!" I exclaimed, but a hand shoved me back. I looked at Jin and shook his head. I scoffed and walked out of the area, but not before a hand grabbed my wrist. The straw hat said, "After this battle, you can come with me, young lady. I can see that you're a true warrior unlike your little friend here." I brushed the man of and got out of his grip.
The two man battled. "You lived your life in a castle. It made you soft," The Man said. "Then why are you out of breath?" Jin mocked him. I laughed at that one. "That little lady you got there, is coming with me," The man told him. I of course heard that and yelled, "Stop calling me little lady and fight me, you cowardly, perverted traitor!" The battle finished and of course Jin won. "Finally got that done. Let's move on," Jin told me.

We finally made it and got of our horses, while walking we were stopped by another Straw hat. "Halt, Ronin. State your business," He commanded. "I'm not a ronin. My name is Jin Sakai," He said. "A samurai? Lady Sanjo will want to see you. She's in charge of Umugi Cove. Please, come with me," The man explained. We followed him and he told us it was important that we met this woman. We arrived and in front of us was a beautiful woman. "Lady Sanjo, here is Jin Sakai and his... Friend," The man told her. "Welcome to Umugi Cove," She said. The woman had a very soft yet demanding voice. "I see the Mongols haven't found this place," Jin said to start the conversation. "Thankfully, no. There hasn't been bloodshed here for many years. Anyone who draws a weapons answers to my men. Your safety is assured if you follow the same rule," She explained and pointed for us to sit down as well. I felt the woman's eyes on me and made eye contact with her. The woman was not only intimidating, but was also a beautiful sight for the eyes. I looked at the floor and felt my cheeks get warm. Is this the definition of a person with a special charisma... I heard the woman giggle at my flustered state. She continued and asked, "Now please... Tell me how I may help you." Jin explained, "We are looking for a smuggler names Goro." "Interesting. He's downstairs having his third bottle of sake. Enjoy your visit with him," She told us. "Thank you," Me and Jin said. "Come see me again sometime. I think we can help each other."

We walked through many drunkards and found the one we were looking for, Goro. The man was groaning, laughing to himself and just overal making weird noises. Jin stepped forward but I stopped him with my arm. "Are you sure this man is the right one?" I asked. Jin tolled his eyes and approached the man, but still with some hesitance. "You must be Goro," Jin got straight to the point. "We must all be someone. Who must you be?" The drunk man pointed without any care. "Lord Sakai and... Lady Kaneto," Jin said. My eyes widened and I kept my excitement in. He called me Lady Kaneto... "Ha! The samurai are all dead," Goro exclaimed. "We are very much alive, but my patience is dying. Lord Shimura asks that you repay your debt to him," Jin explained. Goro stood up, looking shocked. "He's alive?! What does he want?" He asked. "To deliver a message to the mainland," I told him. "I charged a lot for that trip even before the Mongol blockade," The man said carelessly. "You own my master a debt. This will repay it," Sakai said with a stern voice. "Then I have no choice," He stood up and looked less... Drunk (and crazy).
"After Komoda Beach, I thought that my debt to Lord Shimura was erased. That's why I was drinking," Goro explained. "To celebrate your escape?" Jin asked. "To mourn the samurai! Those warriors died protecting men like me," He corrected him. "If that's how you feel, find your courage, help us avenge them," Jin tried to convince him. "We need a lot more samurai to do that," Goro said. "We'll receive them. When you deliver Lord Shimura's message," Jin told Goro.

We arrived at Goro's house and entered. "Getting past that Mongol blockade won't be easy. Do you have Lord Shimura's message?" He asked. "He has it. At his camp on Akashima Coast," Jin said. "Aah, I can work with that," The man said. Suddenly, a voice outside yelled, "Open op, Goro. We're not leaving until you pay us what you owe!" "Shit!" Goro cursed. "I'll deal with them," Jin assured him. "I'll leave you to it," Goro said, while going towards another exit. Me and Jin turned back to the door and opened it. "We didn't call for ronin," Jin said. "Uh... My Lord and My Lady. What's your business with Goro?" One of them asked. "It's private," I told them.

After sending those straw hats away, me and Jin made our way back to Shimura's camp. When we arrived, Shimura eyed Jin's armor. "You were destined to wear that armor in battle," He told him. "I hope I'm worthy of it," Jin said. "We found Goro in Umugi Cove," I told the Lord. "Was he drunk?" He asked. Jin nodded, "He will fulfill his debt to you and sail for the mainland," Jin explained. "He may be unsavory. But few know the sea like Goro," The Lord said. We talked about some other details.
"Take this time to prepare for battle," Lord Shimura said and we nodded.

I was resting, while listening to some other men's conversations. I then got stuck in my own thoughts again. Maybe after this battle, I can confess my feelings to Jin. No, I should do it after this whole Mongol invasion thing... God, I sound like some little girl who just had her first crush. A presence shook me out of my own thoughts. I turned to look at Jin. "How are you feeling?" He asked. How was I feeling? That was a good question. Feelings. "I... I don't really know," I answered truthfully. Jin got closer to my face and I could feel his warm breath on my ear. "Don't worry. We will do this. I trust you, (Y/n)," He calmed me. He always did that. Jin was there for me since I was a little girl. I then realised.
At that moment, time, place I realised: I had feelings for Jin this whole time. I felt Jin's hand rest on my shoulder, slowly going down to my waist. "Everything's going to go as planned."

The night came fast and the moon stood high in the sky.

"It is time. To your horses men and woman."

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