|My Father Or Uncle?|

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It was rather... peaceful and silent when we opened the gate. There was nobody 'greeting us'. "Remain alert," Lord Shimura warned us. We nodded and I took the first step inside and there was our greeting. Fire arrows. "Archers! Take cover!" Jin immediately pushed me behind a wall, before one of the arrows could hit me. "Thank you," I told him. He didn't say anything and we continued to the next gate. As we openend it, we were met with a few archers and warriors. We started taking them down. "I'll go kill the archers! You take care of the swordsmen!" I yelled. I took few of the archers down and then continued our way trough the fort.

Explosives that sounded like fireworks were going off. Me and Jin were following Lord Shimura. "We have their full attention now!" Jin exclaimed. "We sure do!" I said back. "Keep pressing forward!" Shimura yelled. Running and fighting is all we did. Till I looked up a little and said, "Jin! Look!" I pointed towards a tower. I heard him gasp a little, "They have a hwacha!" He said. "That's our new goal!" The lord answered. Not only were we killing and pressing forward, we were now also avoiding a bunch of fire arrows... And a bunch of dogs.
We then arrived at a more open field. We ran towards The Lord. "Forward! Show the Mongols we will not be denied!" He screamed. Me and Jin were helping each other to avoid the arrows. Pushing each other if it was necessary. "(Y/n)! Go to the tower! You're faster!" Jin ordered. I nodded and ran off. I climbed the tower and before I could do anything, I was shot in the shoulder. I screamed out of pain. But before almost falling to my knees, I pierced my sword through his chest and kicked him off the tower. I carefully took the arrow out of my shoulder and threw it away.

Jin and Shimura came to me. "Is everything ok?" Jin asked. I nodded and explained what happened. Jin looked down to the ground to see the man who shot that arrow in me. He grabbed his bow and shot the already dead man. He turned back around as I gave him a blank look. "What?" He asked. I shook my head and looked at The Lord to see what he would say. "There's Goro's boat," He pointed. "We bought him time, but not enough," Jin said. "The Mongols have seen them and their attack ships are faster. Our men are defenceless," The Lord exclaimed. I looked at the hwacha and nudged Jin in his side. He looked at me and saw me signaling him with my eyes to the hwacha. He nodded and said," No, they have us and the hwacha." Lord Shimura looked at him. "A weapon of the enemy. Not samurai," Lord Shimura said. "Saving our people is all that matters," Jin fired back. "You know how to fire this?" He asked. "I'll learn," Jin said. I looked at both of them. "Actually... It's not that hard," I said. The two men looked at me. "Don't misunderstand me. I have never used one, but I read about how to use them. I can guide you, Jin. Please, let me help," I said. Jin put his hand on my shoulder, "Let's do this. Together, as a team." "Destroy the Mongol ships. Leave the guards to me," Lord Shimura ordered.
I started giving Jin the fast course of 'How to use a hwacha'. He - of course - got the hang of it in no time. Jin started firing and shooting the ships. "It's working! The Mongol ships are in flames!" He exclaimed. I helped Lord Shimura with my bow and helped Jin prepare a new set of arrows. The whole ocean was on fire, or so it looked like it was. Ships were burning. "You made it Goro. Bring us the Shogun's help," Jin said when he was done. Lord Shimura came back to us. "We did it," Jin said. "I knew we would," Shimura said. Shimura praised me and Jin for our hard work and for what we had done.

He then turned to Jin to give him his full attention. "Jin, my message to the Shogun included an announcement. I wish to formally adopt you as my son," He said. When I tell you that my jaw hit the floor, I mean it. I saw the look of hesitation in Jin's eyes. "Uncle..." Lord Shimura got closer. "In my heart, you've always been the heir to my legacy. When this war ends. We will make it official. One day our people will look to you as their leader. You will become their honourable Jito. Backed by all the power of the Shogun," Shimura explained. "I hope I can serve them as well as you have," Jin said. I frowned. "I know you will," Lord Shimura said.

We got back to our horses. On the way their, Lord Shimura explained what we should do next and rambled on and on about the 'as father and son' stuff. We bid our farewells and he went away. I turned back to walk to my horse. "Next up is Yarikawa," Jin said, also approaching his horse that was next to mine. I hummed as a response. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow. "What do you say about a little break in the forest again. Maybe, you can get a little foxy time with Iruki," He joked while giving me a little smile. Again, I just gave him a 'Mhm'. "Is there something wrong, (Y/n)?" He asked. "Oh no, nothing," I replied.

Actually there was. I was thinking about the whole 'Lord Shimura is now Jin's dad'. I guess he always was as father figure to Jin... But it still felt kinda wrong. Also the fact that he said that he thought about Jin being his heir all this time makes me question him. Would he just use Jin so that his name wouldn't die and would he forgotten? Or did he really just want a son? I am 100% that there are a lot of women that would still marry that old man. I snapped out of my thoughts. I didn't want to tell Jin of what I thought. Who knows what his reaction is going to be.
We stopped in the middle of nowhere. Tea! That's what I crave. I looked at Jin to see him of course meditate. I then looked if I had enough ingredients to make tea. I went to my horse to look into the bag. I almost had enough I just needed one specific herb and one little fox could help me. I whistled and there he was. He jumped around me from happiness. "Ok, ok, Iruki, calm down. It's time to help me," I said. He immediately stopped and I told him what to do. Together we searched and found the herb I was looking for.

I was making the tea while Iruki sat next to me. We were sort of, maybe spying on Jin. "Iruki, you don't understand. That man? He is just so... I can't find words for him," I told him. The fox looked at me with the 'you already said that 100 times' look. When the tea was done, I went to Jin while Iruki was following me. I stood in front of him and tapped his shoulder. Jin opened his eyes. He looked at me and then the tea. I handed it over and he took it. "You know, you're not only a great and brave warrior but you would also be a very kind wife," He said. We both froze and our eyes were wide. We both had the same thought: "did I/he really just say that? The next minutes we just drank our tea in silence while both being very flustered. The fox kept looking back and forth to us. Oh man, these two really need a push in their backs.

"It's getting late. Perhaps we should stay the night here and sleep," Jin said. I nodded and started taking of my armor. I felt a pair of eyes watching my move, but didn't dare to turn around to see if it actually was Jin. We laid on the ground and watched the stars, while Iruki was sleeping on my stomach. It was rather could and I shivered a little. Jin must of had noticed this. Because the next thing he did, would forever be treasured in my mind. I felt him shift and turn on his side. Before I could ask him what he was doing he put his hand on my back and pushed me closer to him. Iruki was now sanwiched between us. My face was burning, but I was glad that it was buried in Jin's chest so he wouldn't see it.
I felt his breath on my ear and he whispered:

"Goodnight, (Y/n)
BCUWIAJCBWOWOHDXJ 🥵🥵🤩🤩🤩🧍🏻‍♀️🤯🤯🤯🤯😻😻😻😻💥💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥🤬🤬❌❌❌❌
Thx for reading

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